The Problems with Pornography
A - The Problems with Pornography
1. The Addiction
2. Self-Worth
3. Brings Condemnations
4. Distractions
5. Damages Relationships
6. Brain Components
7. Opens Satanic Influences & Attachments
8. Slippery Slope From Pornography To Murder
1.The Addiction
1. The Addiction
There are three emotional ranges that I describe & teach as:
- Normal
- Imagination Amplified Emotions
- Satanic Attachment Emotions
We all have natural curiosity about the people, places & things that effect our lives on a daily basis. We all at one time in our youthful experiences & explorations figured out how our bodies work & function. We all want to know about & are curious to understand things that have interest for us. Being naturally curious is Normal. Then we can take the curiosity of a thought, image, or video, & Amplify it in our Imagination, wondering what it would be like to experience the actions portrayed on the image or video, etc. The emotions go up the more we apply our imagination, they also go down as we learn to manage our imagination & turn it & our emotions down, simultaneously. I am claiming to have figured out or have been taught through insights & inspiration how our imagination works. (It is completely explained in, "The Emotional Skills and Tools of Positive Mind Management" book.) The imagination is a control point over the emotions when we know how to manage it.
When we go into our imagination & turn inappropriate arousal's all the way up & we start with deviant behaviors, we open ourselves up to Adversarial Evil Spirit Attachments. When these entities are attached to us they compound our emotions with their additional emotions that we feel from them, because they are now attached to us. The Devil is strategic in this effort & utilizes evil spirit entities that compound what we are already feeling naturally. The Devil is hoping to have his attached evil spirit minion become so familiar to us that we are tricked & deceived into thinking, that it is us. They now "whisper in our ears", that this is now just the way we are or have become, with these strong overpowering deviant emotions. These compounded emotions from Imagination Amplification & the Entity Attachment Emotions take our Normal emotions to the level of what is being called the Addiction levels of emotions. They are strong enough that we may feel tricked into believing that we are hopeless & powerless, two other lies the entities will whisper in our ears along with a myriad of other self-defeating, self-deprecating injected fiery darts of satanic temptation thoughts. We are tempted to believe that we are less than we are, & that we don't have the power we need to win & no way to obtain it. The devil "teacheth a man not to pray" & receive additional strength & power that we could obtain & should seek. We are to ask for Divine intervention & strengthening. They will whisper that we are too unworthy to pray or have Heavenly Father & Jesus still be interested in us, & so forth. They whisper lies, trickery, & deceptions!
I have never liked the the word addiction. I believe it masks & hides the real nature of the problem. If we were to use Biblical & Book of Mormon terms for what is being called addiction to pornography, we would use such words as captivated, trapped, snared, seduced, enticed, vexed, & bound. These words tie directly back to what I believe is the source of real addictive emotions & mental disturbances, Satanic influences & attachments of evil spirits to us.
Please read on to find out why.
"Out of the abundance of his heart, Jesus spoke to the poor, the downtrodden, the widows, the little children; to farmers & fishermen, & those who tended goats & sheep; to strangers & foreigners, the rich, the politically powerful, as well as the unfriendly Pharisees & scribes. He ministered to the poor, the hungry, the deprived, the sick. He blessed the lame, the blind, the deaf, & other people with physical disabilities. He drove out the demons & evil spirits that had caused mental or emotional illness.”
- Howard W. Hunter, "A More Excellent Way".
General Conference, President Hunter makes it clear what the sources of evil are able to do to cause us what may be identified as emotional or mental illnesses. Emotional & mental problems cause electrical immune deficiencies & make us vulnerable to dis - eases, or physical diseases.
Most of us have lived through some traumatic experiences from being a first responder, first on the scene of an accident or have been in a severe accident, or have been abused in various ways, bullied or rejected, & have had painful relationships where we have been betrayed, trust has been broken & destroyed. Some of us have had loss & abandonment issues in being adopted, going through divorces, or grieving for loved ones having problems, & grief from unresolved deaths. Others are in emotional & physical pain from a myriad of different life's experiences, but all of us want relief & are looking in different places to receive it. Some are seeking the Lord's assistance, kindnesses, & tender mercies. They come to know eventually that if they ask, seek, & knock, that there are divine interventions & directions available to them as they pray & give Father in Heaven the permission & opportunity to get involved in their lives and support them more fully. He will not take away our agency if we choose other hurtful & harmful paths for ourselves. We have to ask for His help, giving Him permission to assist & bless us. This is one of the reasons the devil teaches a man not to pray, because it leaves the individual more vulnerable to the prompting & attachment influences of the devil. If we use our agency to choose pornography we are free to do so, but not without consequences & eventual justice if we refuse the Holy Spirits warnings to avoid it & repent.
We are to correct our own thoughts & actions utilizing our personal agency & choice to change (repent) as directed by Him, through His greater wisdom & knowledge. His wisdom is greater than the cunning & evil designs of misery & destruction, the devil has planned for us. We can have the atonement applied to us as we repent. We can be ministered to in lots of ways & from many sources & people. We need to recognize the hand of the Lord in our lives, in all things. We are to always be seeking Father in Heaven's directions & blessings, & receive counsel & guidance from inspired ecclesiastical leaders. Being able to visit with someone who is understanding of the principles of repentance & knows how to help us have the atonement applied to us, gives us hope in our progress to be clean & stay clean - be free & stay free.
Others often seek relief from these emotional & physical pains from traumatic life experiences in ways that are called self-medicating. Self-medication comes in many forms, it is like my horse going into fight-flight or seek-avoid responses. He wants to avoid pain, hunger, & he is seeking & thinking about his next bale of hay or bucket of grain for relief. People are choosing different bales of hay for temporary relief, such as: pornography, self-abuse, sex, street drugs, prescription drugs, food - comfort foods, alcohol, gambling, video game playing, TV watching, & so forth.
Often people involved in pornography, masturbation, & more, are using it as a temporary relief from the pains they are encountering. Maybe the pains of failed relationships, & so forth. Instead of getting married & being in a healthy committed relationship where they can righteously have spiritual, psychological, & physical needs & desires met in righteous & approved of the Lord ways, they are afraid of making a decision & taking on responsibility. Because, "what if" it doesn't work out again. They go off in their imaginations & "what if" themselves into non-action, stuck. They do not exercise their faith, & use their agency to move forward. They are tricked into a false sense security, being alone. I identify entities by their strongest emotional influence upon us. The evil spirit of Loneliness is one of the strongest of the devil's entities. People feel lonely in a crowed stadium with this attachment. The spirits of Loneliness (producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation) & Despair (the complete loss or absence of hope) are winning in many cases & are recognized as national health problems.
So, for relief individual look for distractions away from their problems & they look at people on the pages or in movies of pornography & are tricked into thinking that somehow pornographic encounters are going to fulfill this need of overcoming the feelings of being lonely & so forth. The people on the pages or in pornographic videos, don’t reject them, it’s not personal. But therefore it’s also not personally satisfying. So, after the pornographic & self-abuse encounter is over, they feel even more lonely, disgusted, & ashamed of themselves for what they just did. They have shame, guilt & are guilty, & experience further loss of the Holy Spirit. I believe pornography is a major cause of people leaving their churches & loosing their faith, & is a major cause in the increased suicide rates that are being currently experienced. The consequences of involvement is loss of Holy Spirit in their lives & weakens them in every possible way. I believe pornography is one of the Satan's most devious paths, a gateway to to murder & suicide. I have attached a chapter of my new book "Protocols of Adversarial Resistance" here on this subject because I believe there needs to be more awareness as to what the devil has in mind for those enticed, seduced, & tricked into pornography.
23 And he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her shall deny the faith, and shall not have the Spirit; and if he repents not he shall be cast out. D&C 42:23
"We are witnessing a lot of people denying the faith and leaving the church. I believe this denying of the faith in many cases is from not having the Spirit as a consequence of pornographic involvement!"
More on Imagination Amplified Emotions
One of my therapy discoveries or I should say inspired insights, is how the imagination works in relations to emotions. The Imagination is a powerful driver of emotional content. The volume of emotions that one feels as the imagination is amplifying an image or pretended personal involvement within one's own mind is increased as the imagination is turned up. The volume of emotional content is turned down simultaneously as the imagination is turned down intentionally on an image or thought. The imagination when understood & a person knows how to control it, is a powerful control point over the emotions.
With additional imaginary involvements of viewing pornography & actual self-abuse, they once again seek further relief from the newly increased emotional & physical pains of their inappropriate choices & actions. Their chosen method of relief (their chosen bale of hay) is they use more pornography & self-abuse. So, when the encounter is over again, it causes them more pain & they seek further relief by doing the very thing again, that is creating the personal emotional & physical pain in the first place. This is the downward spiral identified by some people as the addiction. It is a continual seeking of relief from what is causing the pain in the first place, by using what is causing the pain as the relief, so we have more pain, & then seek more relief, by using the very thing that is causing the pain as our self-medication, & so it goes on & on.
We usually attribute these downward spiral imagination driven addictive behaviors with pornography to men, however more & more women are being trapped & seduced by the adversary with pornography & self-abuse as well. One of the more extreme clients I've helped overcome these behaviors was a young college girl. She was viewing pornography anywhere from 8 to 12 times a day & masturbating each time she did so. This pattern never stopped until we were able to get down to the root of the problem of the childhood sexual molestation's she had experienced. We are able to desensitize clients from these types of root experiences with certified clinical hypnotherapy. Because we gain trance, pondering, or hypnosis access to the subconscious level of the mind where these powerful emotional drivers are housed in our subconscious memories & imaginations. These types of experiences can be powerful emotional drivers. These experiences & attached emotions can be identified, understood, challenged, desensitized, & permanently addressed with the Skills & Tool of Positive Mind Management & the Protocols of Adversarial Resistance, & maybe a few sessions of certified clinical hypnotherapy with someone who has been trained in these techniques. So, once the confusing & painful experiential drivers of the self-medication are dealt with & gone, it is easier to give up the behavior, because the need for relief is no longer needed. The emotional & physical pains are no longer there as emotional triggers.
Satanic Attachment Compounded Emotions (Addiction)
People caught up in this downward spiral can have their imagination amplified emotions further compounded by attachment of evil spirit tag teams. One tag-team are spirit entities with the predominant compounding emotions of boredom, loneliness, & isolation. They will give attached persons their same feelings when they are attached to them compounding their emotions into what I want to call the attached addiction ranges of emotions. The adversarial entities whisper in first person deceptive "I" language, "I can't stop as this, it is beyond my control", & such statements. Entities whisper in our ears constant promptings to feel the same way the entities feel, who are attached to them. The person is tricked into believing that this is just them & just the way they are now. The ultimate deception is to have an attached evil spirit & its influences being put upon you & you be tricked into believing that its now just who you have become. Its a familiar spirit to you that is so familiar to you that you are tricked into believing that it is you. This is one of the greatest deceptions.
Again, the devils ultimate trickery is to have entities attach to us & have us not even discern with awareness that these entities are constantly giving us thought promptings & feelings, that are in fact the entities feelings, or emotions.These attached entities become familiar spirits to the person, because they have become so familiar to the them, that they believe their influence upon them, is them. They are being "tricked"! There may be attachments promoting feelings of discouragement & depression, & when the individual seeks relief, entities of curiosity & lust move in, prompting them to seek relief by distracting themselves from all of their emotional & physical pains for a time with more pornography, self-abuse, & other deviant behaviors. Once the encounter is over again, they are under attack again from guilt & shame etc. & the cycle begins to repeat its self. All of this is described in detail in the Educational Package books. We have also posted some live sessions of the Protocols actually being used with some of my clients so you can figure things out for yourself by listening & learning. These session recordings are actual chapter transcripts in the Protocols of Adversarial Resistance book. You will learn best by reading along with the actual sessions & take notes in your book of what insights you gain for you as you experience the sessions as though they were your sessions.
I do understand somewhat, of what goes on in the brain & how pornography affects brain chemistry & brain functions. I get why people want to claim that aberrant brain processes are the conditioned addiction process, & so forth. See the information under Brain Components.
But, the study to my knowledge that has never been done is what are the brain chemistry effects of these attached evil spirit entities, when attached to us over time? We experience all of their negative energies being put into us. It can be done by the way of negative thought patterns that are negative & dark electrical frequencies being produced by us with the acceptance of these thoughts as if they were our own thoughts, or negative injected dark energies into us by these attached entities compounding our emotions, which are electrical in the body. Again, what effect do these entities & their dark influences & powers have on brain chemistry? This study has never been done to my knowledge, & yet I get to see the immediate effects of how the brain adjusts a clients bodily functions, just as soon as the entities release & flee.
Emotional & Physical Pains many times will be completely relieved starting immediately with the release of the entity, & many times just go away permanently, as long as the person doesn't go back into sin & become reattached again. People change & heal just as fast as any Bible descriptions of casting out & healing, everyday when these entities are challenged & flee.
John 5:14 - Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
Pornography, like so many other things is a gateway, a barn door opening, to satanic possession or attachment! The extreme emotions immediately adjust as the person is freed from the attachments. We then teach them how to shut down Imagination Amplification, (this is taught in the emotional skills & tools book) which allows them to now be back into Normal ranges of emotions. I have discovered, or I should rightly give credit, & say that the Lord has taught me how the Imagination works. Once back into Normal healthy emotional ranges they are to continue to practice The Emotional Skills & Tools of Positive Mind Management & The Protocols of Adversarial Resistance, & keep themselves Clean & FREE!
The books in the Education Package teach you how to deal with all three emotional levels. Each book covers another emotional range. This gives you a permanent library of how to manage your mind in these ways, using the principles in Spiritual Mind Management at Normal ranges, & The Emotional Skills & Tools of Positive Mind Management teaches how to deal with Imagination Amplification, & the Protocols of Adversarial Resistance teach you to "resist the devil sufficiently to have devils flee from you". You will learn how to be in full emotional self-control as you utilize and practice your newly learned skills & tools. If you want to speed up the processes of being clean & free, you may want to consider doing a few hypnotherapy sessions along with your studies. When you Pay for a package of sessions you receive a discount on the sessions & receive another discount on the Educational Package as well.
2.1 Recognition Of Evil Influences & Self-Worth
Protocols of Adversarial Resistance:
Recognition of Adversarial Influences To Win You Must Know Your Enemy!
While on my mission, almost 50 years ago now, I had an experience that was life changing for me in my understandings of good & evil. We had passed the day without finding much success, & I was aware of a particular gloomy spirit about me. I felt most discouraged & questioning my purpose as it did not seem we were accomplishing much or doing a lot of good. I had quite a restless night, & in the morning, I awoke feeling ill. This was not the first time I had been sick in the mission field. In fact, I had never been sick so much in my life & my poor health was depressing to me. This time my companion didn't care to stay cooped up with me, so he arranged for two other missionaries to take turns working with him & one stayed with me. We were living in an abandoned boarding house that was four stories high. I remained in my bedroom on the fourth floor while the other missionary studied in a sitting room on the second floor. I was feeling weak & nauseated, not to mention discouraged & useless. While I sat alone in my room, I became more & more depressed. I did not realize at the time that unseen beings were in the room & some were attached to me. "Fiery darts" of thought began shooting through my mind: "I'm sick again; I am such a weakling. I am useless, a burden on the people around me–why don't I just give up?" I walked over to the window to see what the weather was like. It was another early spring day on the Isle of Mann seacoast: overcast, hazy, dreary. The air was so humid that the cold pierced right through me, making it difficult to stay warm. The weather seemed to increase my depression. I was filled with all of these self-incrementing thoughts & self-defeating emotions. I did not realize at the time that the Devil had sent in his suicidal ideation tag team of hopelessness, helplessness, & despair, to torment me, to see if they could get me to give up & do myself in.
I looked out the window down three floors to the iron picket fence just a few feet in front of the house. Its sharp stakes were pointing up at me & I could easily reach it if I jumped. A voice in my head asked, "Why don't I just end it all?" I understood exactly what the voice was suggesting even before a second voice said, "Open the window & jump. Landing on the sharp pickets of the fence will quickly end all your troubles, & you'll stop being a burden on the others. The other missionaries would be better off without you slowing them down." I moved closer to the window & opened it. Suddenly, I felt a tremendous urge come over me, trying to persuade me to jump, yes, almost even pushing me out the window. I stood a moment frozen, with my hands on either side of the window frame. I remember now as clearly as if it were yesterday the intensity of that moment of decision. I said, "No! I have a mission to fulfill, & I want to complete it." I forced my immobilized hands to move & slammed the window shut. Backing up, I became more aware again of the feelings of darkness, confusion, discouragement, helplessness & despair that was possessing me.
As soon as I recognized the presence of these evil spirits, I was filled with fear. I realized that it was their influence that was trying to get me to destroy myself. I knelt down & prayed for a long time until the darkness lifted. It wasn’t until years later & many more personal experiences & experiences with clients that I came to the understanding of why the strong feelings of fear come from such recognitions of evil entities being with us. The truth is that once the adversarial entities realize that you know it is them & you are about to resist them in many ways, prayer, fasting, scripture reading, use the protocols being taught in the coming chapters & others, they are the ones that feel such great fear, because they are vulnerable of being dislodged, eradicated, kicked out. But, because they are attached to us & we feel their emotions as though their emotions are our emotions, one of the biggest deceptions of all, we get tricked into thinking that their fear is our fear, & it is really the entities fears. Their emotions of fear are the source of our fearful emotions. They can become familiar spirits to us in that they become so familiar to us that we believe it is us. In this deceptive belief we go along with them giving them our power of agency & choice unbeknownst to ourselves that we are doing so. We get tricked into feeling fear & thus may not confront the entities further resisting them & setting ourselves free. Again, it is their fear that we feel as our fear, we may get tricked into submission avoiding feeling fearful. Over the next few days, I was confined to my room. I began to read a book I had just ordered, "Discourses on the Holy Ghost & the Lectures on Faith", compiled by Gerald Lundwald.
I studied & prayed, & prayed & studied, absorbing the concepts in that book. Those three days were truly days of personal revelation as I continued to experience periods of darkness followed by moments of extreme light & understanding. I went on to fulfill a successful mission, serving more diligently with the motivation of my enlarged understanding of the reality of the opposition. This vivid experience with the reality of the forces of good & evil taught me much about Satan's urges & promptings & about how he works. I learned then that he will speak to us in first person, as if our own minds were the source of his harmful suggestions. I saw clearly that such "thoughts" are lies, deceptions & trickery. When we accept them as our own & act upon them without a conscious awareness of their true source, we are being deceived. I also began to understand the power that we have as mortals to reject evil spirits & their temptations by resisting & rejecting their fiery darts of thoughts & lies. The thoughts they suggest to us are "our" thoughts only when we accept them as such. As soon as we realize they are part of a deception, we can shut them out, along with their source. This last realization instilled in me a deep appreciation of my need for a Redeemer whose word is truth, & whose power can overcome the forces that would destroy us. I know I needed to study these principles further, developing greater discernment of good & evil.
​🎯 -The Lot Of Lucifer & His Devils On Earth:
I began to realize that unseen beings like the ones who tried to end my life during my mission are constantly engaged in battle with us, whether we are aware of their presence or not. Learning from correct sources about Satan & his minions & the methods they employ can be instrumental to changing our lives. When we study the nature of their temptations, & the kinds of traps they set for people like you & me, we increase our awareness of what to do to resist their seductions. We learn what to avoid & what to pray for. We begin to discern the difference between evil promptings & our own thoughts, between evil influences & our own weaknesses. When we know whose voice is whose, it becomes easier to choose the path that leads to personal growth & happiness.
When we study the way the adversary tempts us, we also begin to see the scriptures in a new light, at least I did. I realized how very specific we must be in recognizing & rejecting Satan’s influences. They tell us how. As followers of Jesus Christ, we can literally cast evil entities from our presence. They demonstrate, in the lives of those who have preceded us, how we can “resist the devil” (New Testament | James 4:7) with a righteous lifestyle & cause him “to flee.” We also learn in the standard works that the world of spirits includes multitudes of righteous beings who serve the Lord, who influence us for good & come to our aid in times of need. As Elisha told his servant (who saw the Syrian army surrounding them & asked, “Alas, my master! how shall we do?”): “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them... And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha” (Old Testament | 2 Kings 6:15-17). Foremost among those waiting to help us is the Holy Ghost, who makes it possible to communicate with the Lord Himself about our personal struggle to overcome temptation. Prayer & asking for help give the Lord the opportunity to bless us.
Thanks to the restoration of the gospel, we can uncover the truth about Satan & his followers. Consider, for instance, the advantage of having the following information, which I gleaned from both the scriptures & statements by modern prophets. It gives us a general idea of the nature of our battle with the adversary, so that we are not taken by surprise as we are tempted & have to resist.
​🎯 -Both Evil & Unclean Spirits Influence Our Lives:
In my studies, I began to notice that the scriptures refer to two types of spirits in Satan's dominion, The evil & the unclean.
We know that evil spirits are those who fell with Lucifer. They "kept not their first estate" (New Testament | Jude 1:6; Pearl of Great Price | Abraham 3:28) & are sometimes referred to as "evil angels" (Old Testament | Psalms 78:49) & "devils" (Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 11:31, 2 Nephi 7:19; many New Testament scriptures). Although the terms "evil spirits" & "unclean spirits" appear to be used interchangeably in many scriptures, sometimes both are mentioned together, indicating that one group can be distinguished from the other:
31 And I beheld multitudes of people who were sick, and who were afflicted with all manner of diseases, and with devils and unclean spirits; and the angel spake and showed all these things unto me. And they were healed by the power of the Lamb of God; and the devils and the unclean spirits were cast out. (Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 11:31, italics added) 19 And in the name of Jesus did he cast out devils and unclean spirits; and even his brother did he raise from the dead... (Book of Mormon | 3 Nephi 7:19, italics added) Unclean spirits appear to behave in the same way evil spirits do. They "vex" people (New Testament | Luke 6:18), possess people (New Testament | Mark 1:23), can be cast out of mortals (Mark 5:8; Acts 8:7), and they recognize Jesus as the Christ (Mark 3:11). However, since the term "clean" in the scriptures generally refer to the repentant, to those whose sins have been washed away, I believe that "unclean" most likely denotes a state of disobedience or sin. Unclean spirits, then, might be those who kept their first estate, who came to the earth to receive bodies, but who chose to do evil while in mortality & then died in sin.
Those who leave mortality in a sinful state do not lose their inclinations to participate in the addictions & pleasures they pursued in this life or to repeat their earthly experiences, even lying, cheating, exercising power over others, or committing murder. As Alma explains:
34 Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world. 35 For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have become subjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked. (Book of Mormon | Alma 34:34-35)
It appears that people who choose evil in this life are subject to the devil before they die, continue to serve him after death. Like the other spirits that follow Satan, they tempt, influence & possess the children of men. No longer having bodies of their own, they strive to convince those of us who do have bodies to do evil with them. This conclusion is confirmed in statements like the following:
Many spirits of the departed, who are unhappy, linger in lonely wretchedness about the earth & in the air & especially about their ancient homesteads & the places rendered dear to them by the memory of former scenes. The more wicked of these are the kind spoken of in
Scripture as "foul spirits" & "unclean spirits"... (Key to Theology, Parley P. Pratt, [Chapter XII – Angels and Spirits)
I know very well that, whether we are active or not, the invisible spirits are active. & every person who desires & strives to be a Saint is closely watched by fallen spirits that came here when Lucifer fell, & by the spirits of wicked persons who have been here in tabernacles & departed from them, but who are still under the control of the prince of the power of the air. Those spirits are never idle; they are watching every person who wishes to do right & are continually prompting them to do wrong. This makes it necessary for us to continually be on our guard, makes this probation a continual warfare. (Brigham Young, remarks given in the Tabernacle on September 1, 1850, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p.239, italics added) Of the two types of spirits, the evil & the unclean, I believe the unclean who have already lived on earth & controlled a body are the most influential. They have an understanding of mortality that only experience brings, with a sure knowledge of the desires, passions, & appetites that a physical body possesses, a knowledge they use to tempt & try those of us mortals still on earth. They know how to make a body move, talk, function, & I believe they are the source of greater emotional & mental illness as mentioned by President Howard W. Hunter:
“Out of the abundance of his heart, Jesus spoke to the poor, the downtrodden, the widows, the little children; to farmers and fishermen, and those who tended goats and sheep; to strangers and foreigners, the rich, the politically powerful, as well as the unfriendly Pharisees and scribes. He ministered to the poor, the hungry, the deprived, the sick. He blessed the lame, the blind, the deaf, and other people with physical disabilities. He drove out the demons and evil spirits that had caused mental or emotional illness.”
“A More Excellent Way” - Howard W. Hunter – General Conference
​🎯 -Recognition Of Evil Influences:
As I became more aware of the effects of the adversary upon me & the concept that I needed to identify them by their effects became more real in my mind. Susie & I continued to study section 50 of the Doctrine & Covenants & these passages came to stand out.
31 Wherefore, it shall come to pass, that if you behold a spirit manifested that you cannot understand, and you receive not that spirit, ye shall ask of the Father in the name of Jesus; and if he give not unto you that spirit, then you may know that it is not of God. 32 And it shall be given unto you, power over that spirit; and you shall proclaim against that spirit with a loud voice that it is not of God. 33 Not with railing accusation, that ye be not overcome, neither with boasting nor rejoicing, lest you be seized therewith. 34 He that receiveth of God, let him account it of God; and let him rejoice that he is accounted of God worthy to receive. (Doctrine & Covenants | 50:31-34)
So then, we ask ourselves, when we do behold a spirit manifest, how does a spirit manifest itself? A spirit manifests itself by the way it prompts one to think, feel & act, or when we give heed to the fiery darts of thoughts & actions by becoming a voice for the whisperings of the evil spirits to us. It manifests itself in thoughts & feelings of depression, doubt, discouragement, confusion, hatred, envy, jealousy, covetousness, & any of the negative characteristics & attributes that a person might have or develop. Now you say, can't we have those of ourselves? Yes, we can. It is important to note though, just as the boy in the story (Mark, chapter 9 and Matthew, chapter 17), that when one develops one of these attributes to the point that he is out of control, that is one of the more sure signs that the problem is not just the individual, but the compounding effects of evil or unclean spirits. The boy of himself, in his own spirit or mind, would not likely have thrown himself into the fire, & into the water to destroy himself. Satan is the great destroyer & he desires to destroy all of us.
I remember coming home from work one evening after my wife & I had been studying section 50 of the Doctrine & Covenants. We were just beginning to recognize that there are many “false spirits, which have gone forth in the earth, deceiving the world” (verse 2). For no apparent reason, the moment I put my hand on the doorknob, something “just came over me.” I had enjoyed a fine day at work. I could not recall anything that had caused me any major problems. Yet, as I went through the door, even though I didn’t consciously discern it, a spirit of discontent came over me. Suddenly, I was full of dissatisfaction. When I saw the children, I wasn’t happy with them. I was upset that dinner wasn’t on the table, although I never kept a schedule & my wife could not have known when I was coming home. One of the children needed a diaper change, & when he came up to me, I smelled the diaper & was disgusted. I ranted & raved about how this wasn't done or that wasn't right. I even told my wife that she wasn't doing her part to keep up our home. I could tell my words were crushing her feelings, but I said them anyway. She looked hurt, but also stared at me in a funny way & didn't immediately say much in her defense. I had a faint recognition that I was not in control as I went down the hall into our room & found something else, I was disturbed about. When I went back to complain some more, my wife met me in the hallway, looked me in the eye, & said, "Dennis, you’re possessed. Why don't you go get rid of it?" Her words so stunned me that I stopped right there. I thought for a moment, then in a rush of awareness I exclaimed, "I am!" In the very act of recognizing that what she said was true–at the moment I said, "I am", I felt the evil spirit release & leave. I felt it go out of my body through the top of my head. Where seconds before I had been dissatisfied, grouchy, & complaining, a spirit of love & peace now filled my being. I was sorrowful to realize that an evil spirit could so easily trick me into giving it that kind of power & control with me. I was concerned that it could get me to (or that I allowed it to influence me to) hurt my wife's feelings & to be as unkind as I had been. It was quite a lesson, a witness of what we had been studying. Instantly, my feelings went from dark to light, just as the scripture says, “. . . that ye may know good from evil; & the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night” (Book of Mormon |Moroni 7:15).
Later I found a statement by President Brigham Young which shed light on my experience: The Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Old and New Testaments all corroborate the fact that when you receive the Spirit that gives you light, intelligence, peace, joy, and comfort, that is from God. But when you . . . are tried and tempted, when parents and children have a spirit that comes upon them that irritates them, that causes them to have bad feelings, disagreeable, unhappy, and miserable sensations, causing them to say, “We wish it was some way else; we wish our circumstances were different; we are not happy; something or the other is always wrong; we wish to do just right, but we are very unhappy;” I desire to tell you that your own conduct is the cause of all this. “But,” says one, “I have done nothing wrong, nothing evil.” No matter whether you have or not, you have given way to a spirit of temptation. There is not that man or woman in this congregation, or on the face of the earth, that has the privilege of the holy Gospel, and lives strictly to it, whom all hell can make unhappy. You cannot make the man, woman, or child unhappy, who possesses the Spirit of the living God; unhappiness is caused by some other spirit.
The spirit of contention divides families, as we see some divided. We can hardly associate with some persons, for we have to walk in their midst like walking upon eggs. What is the matter? We do not know the spirit they are led by. Treat them kindly, and perhaps, bye and bye they will come to understanding. (Journal of Discourses: Vol. 3, page 343; italics added)
The Lord himself taught the Nephites: 29 For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another. (Book of Mormon | 3 Nephi 11:29)
I had allowed “some other spirit” to dominate me that evening. I had somehow turned from the spirit of the Lord and accepted a “spirit of contention” that is “of the devil.” In other words, I had been possessed, briefly, by an evil spirit. Yet, I was an active Latter-day Saint with good habits and even better intentions. I was, to the best of my knowledge, obeying the commandments and striving to live the gospel of Jesus Christ at the time this happened. How could I have been possessed by an evil spirit? I began to study and pray about these things, desiring to understand how Satan could have so easily influenced me.
Back to Section 50. We must learn to recognize the spirits by their fruits. A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bring forth good fruit. As the Savior taught, that which is evil cannot bring forth that which is good, and that which is good cannot bring forth that which is evil. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are in opposition to the fruits of the evil spirits. The fruits of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Ghost are all positive. When one is under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we recognize it because we feel feelings of love. God is love. We experience an abundance of joy, peace, contentment, happiness, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence, etc. Just as in opposition of that are the fruits of the evil spirits. When a spirit manifests itself that we cannot understand, or in other words, when we get up in the morning (or come home from work, as I did) and are beset by negative emotions that do not seem to be justified, we know something is wrong. I had no recognizable, discernable reason to become so angry or so disgusted with my home, my wife, my children, and everything around me. It was not right. There was just no good reason for it.
But the answer, in Section 50, is that if you behold a spirit manifest that you cannot understand, behold ye shall ask of God, meaning that we must pray and ask the Father. Father, I feel such and such, please help me understand these feelings. I feel disgusted, angry, upset over my home and family situation here. Father, are these spirits or these feelings from thee?" Then, it says, "And if he give not unto you that spirit," meaning that if he doesn't give you an understanding of that spirit, such as, "Yes, Dennis, the reason you are so upset about all of this is because of..." (and He will give you a logical, reasonable explanation which will come to your mind from the Holy Spirit, enlightening you as to why you feel the way you do); if he doesn't give you any such enlightenment, then the scripture says that "ye may know with a perfect knowledge that it is not of God." Then, we go on as it says to cast out, or rebuke the spirit or spirits that are not from the Lord. Many of us, when we first hear these concepts, or begin to understand them, say to ourselves, "But I'm not influenced by evil spirits, I couldn't be, not me! I refuse to think that it could happen to me.
In fact, this very thought that we could have evil spirits influencing us, suggesting thoughts, giving emotions, stimulating behaviors, is a cause for great alarm in some people. This is exactly what the adversary would have you feel because as long as he can make you fearful, you will not resist sufficiently to overcome them. This is in direct opposition to the peace the Holy Spirit brings. If we are afraid to confront them, then they will continue to maintain their position of power and influence with us. You should know that they already have as much power, at the present time, as they can have over you, for your present condition. If they could have any more power over you than they already have, they would have already taken it. They would be doing now, whatever else they could do, to get you to destroy yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically. You need not be fearful that there is going to be some great calamity that they can bring upon you just because you begin to recognize and admit to yourself that there are times when they are prompting you and you have given them control. We must all be willing to recognize that this may very well be the case with us from time to time. Welcome to Earth Life!
President J. M. Grant said that he would rather fight against an unclean spirit than against a man possessed of one. I had rather fight the devils that are out of tabernacles, than those that are embodied. The grand difficulty we have to encounter is from devils that enter into you; they take possession of your houses, and then we have to fight devils in tabernacles. We want the devils cast out of you, and the power of God and the light of the Almighty to shine in you as a lamp. (Journal of Discourses Vol 4, p. 87.)
It’s amazing to me how much more peace and joy can be had in our homes, when we teach our children these principles sufficient so that they have the faith on their own to keep themselves free of evil influences.
One of my young sons (11 years old) had been an absolute trial to live with for several months. Then, all of a sudden, he seemed to change overnight and had been doing well for the last two weeks. One day, when I asked him: "What's going on?" he knew exactly what I meant. I've had several conversations with him about the adversary, and he has had experiences in the past. The last time we had gotten into a contentious situation, I had said to him: "Why don't you just get rid of your bad spirits?" When I asked him that day, "What's going on?" his simple answer was: "I decided to cast them out, Dad." I asked him to write about his experiences with Satan, and he wrote the following lines.
“When I get him (Satan), I get ornery. I try to fight with my brothers. I call people names, and I basically get out of control. Lately, when I've been casting him out, it's made a whole difference in my life. My parents have taught me how to do it ever since I was little. I've cast him out often. I'm not now tempted to lie, cheat, or steal. When I had the bad spirit with me, I would often lie, cheat, and steal from my brothers and my sisters, and mom and dad. I wasn't getting along in school. I wasn't doing my homework, and basically people hated to be around me. Now that I've been casting him out, people seem to like me better. I get along and my parents let me go to parties and have fun because they trust me more.”
Here’s another experience from a young girl at summer camp: “I had what seemed to me a scary experience with the adversary. It was on the last day at Stake camp this past summer. We had free time to do what we wanted. Around 1:00 p.m. I decided to go for a walk in the field by myself. I had picked a daisy on the way because it reminded me of one inactive girl in my ward. I sat down by the stream and thought hard while I looked at this flower. I prayed to my Father in Heaven that I might be able to talk to her in a way that I could let her really know how much I care about her. I also bore my testimony to my Heavenly Father and let Him know how much I love Him, and how hard I was going to work to be with Him some day. The time came for me to go back to my ward. We were going to listen to a special speaker, and then have our testimony meetings as wards.
” We all sat around the big campfire that was made. The leaders started us off by bearing their testimonies. Then it was the young women’s turn. I wanted so badly to speak to them and let everyone know how much I love my Heavenly Father, but I was not able to speak. The words would not come out. After a couple of hours, it was time to close. They asked if there was anyone else who wanted to bear her testimony. I was trying to say, ‘I do,’ but the adversary was so powerful. Since I had not borne my testimony, they asked if I would say the closing prayer. Holding on tightly to my daisy, I was trying to tell them, ‘No, not yet; I haven’t born my testimony.’ But I couldn’t speak. I began to cry. After another girl had said the prayer in my place, I went to my tent.
“I was there by myself because everyone else went snipe hunting. I remember crying and saying over and over to myself, ‘How am I going to talk to her (the inactive girl) if I can’t even bear my testimony?’ I felt so horrible inside. I was mad at myself. The bad feelings started to build up.
“After the snipe hunt, one girl came into my tent and asked me what was wrong. I tried to get her to leave me alone. She asked if I would like to talk to one of the leaders. I told her no. At that time, part of me (the bad spirits) wanted no one to bother me, but the other part (my spirit) was crying for help. She asked me again. I said, ‘I guess.’ One of the leaders came into my tent a minute later. She talked to me and asked me how I was feeling. I said, ‘Awful.’ She then asked if I knew who the adversary was. I said I did. She asked me if he was here. I said, ‘Yes.’ He was very strong, and the evil was all around. We could all feel his presence. She then asked if I knew how to cast him out. I said, ‘Yes, I’ve tried, but he won’t leave.’
“She told me that by praying or reading the scriptures or by doing anything of God, I could cast him out. She asked me if I would like to pray. I said ‘Yes.’ She asked if I would say it, but I said ‘No.’ I wouldn’t even get up from my sleeping bag and kneel. She told me that it was the adversary telling me not to pray. I wanted so bad for that evil feeling to leave. I wanted to pray, but wouldn’t. The bad spirits were possessing me. I told her, ‘I’m okay now, you can leave.’ I was not beginning to get in a good mood, but in a worse way. She knew I was now trying to get rid of her because the adversary was so strong. She stayed and tried to talk to me. I felt like laughing at her. I didn’t care about what she had to say; I was possessed.
“But there was still a tiny part of me that was sober. It was crying louder than ever for help. She then asked me what I wanted to do. That tiny part of me said: ‘I want someone to give me a blessing.’ One part of me hated that idea, but the other part was so glad it came out. I felt like two different people. A priesthood brother soon came in and talked to me a minute before laying his hands on my head. He asked if I could cast them out, and I said, ‘No, I’ve already tried.’ He then gave me a blessing and cast out the bad spirits. I felt so much more at ease, and back to my normal self. I told him that I felt it leave three times. He said there were three of the adversary’s helpers in me.
“They all told me I would feel much better if I went and sat by the fire, where everyone else was. I went outside and thanked them for their help. I am so glad that the Spirit of God is stronger than the spirits of the adversary. That, to me, was a frightening experience, but I know that God’s power will always conquer Satan’s power.”
I like to use the teaching point of Alcoholics Anonymous. When a person denies that he has a problem, let's say an alcoholic, for example, he may go along for years and retain the problem. He is not willing to admit, nor confess to himself or anyone else that he has a problem. He deceives himself. He rationalizes, "Yes, I drink quite a bit; but, so what, so does everybody else. I don't have a drinking problem. I'm just a social drinker. I like to drink every day with my friends. I could stop any time I wanted to if it ever became a real problem." And so, it goes. It is interesting to note that the first step of overcoming that problem or any problem in life is to come to a point of admitting, of recognition and of full acknowledgment of what really is the problem. In AA meetings, this is one of the first things they have people do. Before they can be treated, they must fully admit to themselves and to others, by getting up in front of the group and giving their name and confessing, "I am an alcoholic."
By that confession and that very admission of the problem, they are now in a position to go forward and make progress. They are now in a position to overcome the problem, because they no longer choose to deceive themselves. But I also have a problem with people having to get up and continuously repeat, ‘I am an alcoholic’, even years after being free of it. The continual programming of one’s self in such ways is not productive. Being under the influence of an evil spirit, or being possessed, to one degree or another, also has to be admitted and confessed in the same way. Until one comes to the point of being willing to admit he or she is being influenced in one area or another, being deceived so that he or she is not always in control, he remains deceived and possibly attached or possessed. Like the alcoholic, we must refuse to continue deceiving ourselves. We must come to a full acknowledgement of the effects Satan has upon us, and the source of those effects. Then we can begin to resist with effect and have it be over.
It is interesting to note the scripture "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." In other words, whatever is in the heart (and I will teach you that the heart is the subconscious side of your mind, in your spirit’s mind), automatically comes out of our mouth at those times when we don't consciously mean to say anything. When we allow our thoughts to flow freely, what comes out in those moments when we aren't consciously thinking of what to say can mean everything. We
understand now the concepts that within our body is our spirit, and our spirit is the rightful inheritor of this body. That spirit is in form like a man but is more flexible and elastic, and it inhabits and possesses this mortal tabernacle. We take on light and truth, which is non-personal spirit, not being in the form of a person already, from the Holy Spirit, which develops within us the attributes of godliness. (See the chapter on Light and Darkness.) We can also become attached or take on negative spirits, or evil spirits. These spirit personages develop and encourage negative characteristics and attributes. We can listen to our spirits, for as the Prophet Joseph Smith taught, "The spirit is the mind of man." We do this as we speak. If we listen to ourselves, it will begin to identify for us what kind of a condition we are in. I call these telling statements the language of spirit identification.
What does it mean in the morning when somebody gets up and says, "I don't know what’s wrong with me this morning? I just got up on the wrong side of the bed"? Note the statement, "I don't know what’s wrong." What are they saying to themselves? "If ye behold a spirit manifest that you do not understand." Why do we not understand it? Because we are deceived. Ask yourself, "Is there any good reason, when I've had a good night's sleep, that I should get up in the morning feeling rotten?" Or maybe you didn't have a good night's sleep. Maybe it's time to ask yourself why you didn't have a good night's sleep in the first place, but consciously, there is no good reason for it! Then what does it mean that you got up on the wrong side of the bed?
Here is another one. "I don't know why I did that. Something inside of me just snapped." Maybe you lost your temper, or you became extremely angry over some small trivial, insignificant thing. When you become exceedingly angry, or out of emotional control over seemingly nothing, you will later say, "I don't know what went wrong with me. Something inside of me just snapped, something just came over me." Here is a classic: "I don't know why, I'm just in a bad mood." By now, you should recognize that we can change the word "mood" to "spirit."
Listen to how descriptive this one is. "I’m just beside myself." Think of what someone is communicating when he asks you, discerningly, "You’re not acting like your usual self. What's wrong?" or, "You don't seem yourself today." The answer is often, "I don't know, I'm just beside myself." Who are you to the side of? Who is stimulating thoughts, emotions and behaviors? Who might be there, beside your own spirit?
Here is another one. "I don't know why I did that; something just came over me." What just came over you? Again, we are assuming what just came over you was negative. Here are some more: “I must be stressed out.” Why is it that at times we can handle anything, and then at other times the same incident will give us a state of stress? Or is it that we’re being negatively influenced?
See how telling these statements are: "I don't know what got into me." "It's not like me to do that." ” I have the funniest feeling..." ” That’s not me, it’s just my negative side coming out.” ” I can’t help it.” Lastly, "I don't know what possessed me to do (or say) that!"
Are you, at this point, willing to call it an evil spirit that came over you if it brought about negative responses that you did not identify? If the Holy Spirit comes over you, then you also recognize it with positive spirit and positive influences. There is much understanding to be gained as you learn to listen to those all-too-true phrases we say to ourselves and that other people say to us. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Now comes the time for you to begin to exercise a particle of faith in these things. The next time you catch yourself saying any of these phrases, pray to the Father and ask Him, in the name of Jesus, if these feelings are of him. Describe whatever you are feeling; express them specifically or describe them: anger, temper, fear, doubt, confusion, depression, etc. Say, "Father, if these feelings, these spirits, are from thee, then please tell me why I should feel this way."
Now, maybe you get up in the morning and feel extremely depressed and you say, "I don't know what's wrong with me, I just feel so down this morning." You kneel down, and you pray about it. The spirit comes to you, and you say, "Father, why do I feel this way?" It then comes back to your mind, and you remember that yesterday, somebody ran over your pet. You are naturally down, you feel mournful, and that is natural. But it is also natural for you to take control of those thoughts, and after a period of a day or two to snap out of it, not into it. You should not go further into depression because of it. With time, you should come further out of it and get on with life.
So, you feel depressed, you get up and pray and remember that your pet was wounded or whatever, and you are concerned about that, but you can understand your feelings. You know why, and life goes on. You cope and deal with the natural forces of life. But lets’ say a week has gone by, and you are still getting up in the morning depressed and discouraged, so you kneel down and pray. It just doesn't seem right that you should still be that discouraged or upset over this thing. By now, it should be something that you are getting over. You pray and ask the Father to give you an understanding of that spirit. If you don't still get that it is about your pet, or if no further enlightenment comes, then you may have taken on a spirit of depression that is trying to hold you bound down and compound those natural feelings, so that now they are being compounded by entity attachments of the Adversary.
At this point, you need to identify and recognize them and start the Protocol of Adversarial Resistance. If you exercise faith resisting to a sufficient degree, they will depart. Whereas you have been depressed, discouraged, angry, or out of control, you will receive relief and have a change of heart, mood and spirit. Not all spirits are easily gotten rid of, but most of them will be as you learn these processes. As we go further along, we will discuss those other unclean spirits we take on that are more difficult to cleanse and purify ourselves of. We don’t want to be boastful about our experiences in eradicating or casting out Satan. To do so would leave us open to possession ourselves, and we may be overcome. Satan fulfills an important role in our overall salvation, by providing the opposition in all things that is needed for us to grow in faith, wisdom, and understanding. We should not bring a railing accusation against him for it. He is more faithful at his role than many of us are at ours.
32 And it shall be given unto you, power over that spirit; and you shall proclaim against that spirit with a loud voice that it is not of God - 33 Not with railing accusation, that ye be not overcome, neither with boasting nor rejoicing, lest you be seized therewith. 34 He that receiveth of God, let him account it of God; and let him rejoice that he is accounted of God worthy to receive. (Doctrine & Covenants | 50:32-34.)
​🎯 -Brigham Young explained it in this way:
I will tell you a truth; it is God's truth; it is eternal truth: neither you nor I would ever be prepared to be crowned in the Celestial Kingdom of our Father and our God, without devils in this world. Do you know that the Saints could never be prepared to live the glory that is in reserve for them, without devils to help them to get it? Men and Women never could be prepared to be judged and condemned out of their own mouths, and to be set upon the left hand, or to have it said to them, "Go away into everlasting darkness," without the power both of God and the devil. We are obliged to know and understand them, one as well as the other, in order to prepare us for the day that is coming, and for our exaltation. Some of you may think that this is a curious principle, but it is true. Refer to the
Book of Mormon, and you will find that Nephi and others taught that we actually need evil, in order to make this a state of probation. We must know the evil in order to know the good. There must needs be an opposition in all things. All facts are demonstrated by their opposites. (JD Vol 4, p. 373.)
Those who followed Satan in the pre-mortal life are our spiritual brothers and sisters, but they chose to follow Satan, and as a consequence were cast out of heaven with him and are here upon the earth without a body. Under Satan's tutelage, they have developed characteristics and traits which are opposite to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They make suggestions of thoughts, and urges, and compound our negative emotions. The gifts of the Spirit are given to every man, that all might be profited thereby. In much the same way, evil spirits bring different gifts; those of adversity, or negative spiritual characteristics and traits. For example, there are evil spirits that are known as lying spirits. A good example of a lying spirit is the one that possessed Korihor, as related by Alma in the Book of Mormon.
30 And it came to pass that when he was brought before Alma and the chief judge, he did go on in the same manner as he did in the land of Gideon; yea, he went on to blaspheme. 31 And he did rise up in great swelling words before Alma, and did revile against the priests and teachers, accusing them of leading away the people after the silly traditions of their fathers, for the sake of glutting on the labors of the people. 32 Now Alma said unto him: Thou knowest that we do not glut ourselves upon the labors of this people; for behold I have labored even from the commencement of the reign of the judges until now, with mine own hands for my support, notwithstanding my many travels round about the land to declare the word of God unto my people. 33 And notwithstanding the many labors which I have performed in the church, I have never received so much as even one senine for my labor; neither has any of my brethren, save it were in the judgment-seat; and then we have received only according to law for our time.
And now, if we do not receive anything for our labors in the church, what doth it profit us to labor in the church save it were to declare the truth, that we may have rejoicings in the joy of our brethren? 35 Then why sayest thou that we preach unto this people to get gain, when thou, of thyself, knowest that we receive no gain? And now, believest thou that we deceive this people, that causes such joy in their hearts? 36 And Korihor answered him, Yea. 37 And then Alma said unto him: Believest thou that there is a God? 38 And he answered, Nay. 39 Now Alma said unto him: Will ye deny again that there is a God, and also deny the Christ? For behold, I say unto you, I know there is a God, and also that Christ shall come. 40 And now what evidence have ye that there is no God, or that Christ cometh not? I say unto you that ye have none, save it be your word only. 41 But, behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are true; and ye also have all things as a testimony unto you that they are true; and will ye deny them? Believest thou that these things are true?
Note next how Alma, after questioning Korihor, recognizes the evil spirit and identifies it to Korihor. He also identifies the spirit as being of the devil. Is this to bring Korihor to a recognition and to an admittance of his deception? Can Korihor be helped in any other way if he chooses to persist in his deception and self-justification? 42 Behold, I know that thou believest, but thou art possessed with a lying spirit, and ye have put off the Spirit of God that it may have no place in you; but the devil has power over you, and he doth carry you about, working devices that he may destroy the children of God. 43 And now Korihor said unto Alma: If thou wilt show me a sign, that I may be convinced that there is a God, yea, show unto me that he hath power, and then will I be convinced of the truth of thy words. 44 But Alma said unto him: Thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your God? Will ye say, Show

2.1 Recognition
unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of all these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets? The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator. 45 And yet do ye go about, leading away the hearts of this people, testifying unto them there is no God? And yet will ye deny against all these witnesses? And he said: Yea, I will deny, except ye shall show me a sign. 46 And now it came to pass that Alma said unto him: Behold, I am grieved because of the hardness of your heart, yea, that ye will still resist the spirit of the truth, that thy soul may be destroyed. 47 But behold, it is better that thy soul should be lost than that thou shouldst be the means of bringing many souls down to destruction, by thy lying and by thy flattering words; therefore if thou shalt deny again, behold God shall smite thee, that thou shalt become dumb, that thou shalt never open thy mouth any more, that thou shalt not deceive this people any more. 48 Now Korihor said unto him: I do not deny the existence of a God, but I do not believe that there is a God; and I say also, that ye do not know that there is a God; and except ye show me a sign, I will not believe. 49 Now Alma said unto him: This will I give unto thee for a sign, that thou shalt be struck dumb, according to my words; and I say, that in the name of God, ye shall be struck dumb, that ye shall no more have utterance. 50 Now when Alma had said these words, Korihor was struck dumb, that he could not have utterance, according to the words of Alma. 51 And now when the chief judge saw this, he put forth his hand and wrote unto Korihor, saying: Art thou convinced of the power of God? In whom did ye desire that Alma should show forth his sign? Would ye that he should afflict others, to show unto thee a sign? Behold, he has showed unto you a sign; and now will ye dispute more? 52 And Korihor put forth his hand and wrote, saying: I know that I am dumb, for I cannot speak; and I know that nothing save it were the power of God could bring this upon me; yea, and I always knew that there was a God. 53 But behold, the devil hath deceived me; for he appeared unto me in the form of an angel, and said unto me: Go and reclaim this people, for they have all gone astray after an unknown God. And he said unto me: There is no God; yea, and he taught me that which I should say. And I have taught his words; and I taught them because they were pleasing unto the carnal mind; and I taught them, even until I had much success, insomuch that I verily believed that they were true; and for this cause I withstood the truth, even until I have brought this great curse upon me. 54 Now when he had said this, he besought that Alma should pray unto God, that the curse might be taken from him. 55 But Alma said unto him: If this curse should be taken from thee thou wouldst again lead away the hearts of this people; therefore, it shall be unto thee even as the Lord will. 56 And it came to pass that the curse was not taken off of Korihor; but he was cast out, and went about from house to house begging for his food. 57 Now the knowledge of what had happened unto Korihor was immediately published throughout all the land; yea, the proclamation was sent forth by the chief judge to all the people in the land, declaring unto those who had believed in the words of Korihor that they must speedily repent, lest the same judgments would come unto them. 58 And it came to pass that they were all convinced of the wickedness of Korihor; therefore they were all converted again unto the Lord; and this put an end to the iniquity after the manner of Korihor. And Korihor did go about from house to house, begging food for his support. 59 And it came to pass that as he went forth among the people, yea, among a people who had separated themselves from the Nephites and called themselves Zoramites, being led by a man whose name was Zoram - and as he went forth amongst them, behold, he was run upon and trodden down, even until he was dead. 60 And thus we see the end of him who perverteth the ways of the Lord; and thus we see that the devil will not support his children at the last day, but doth speedily drag them down to hell. (Book of Mormon | Alma 30:30-60)
As you can see here, Korihor was finally brought to recognize that he had been deceived with a lying spirit. He even had contact with Satan, in that Satan had appeared to him, and showed himself to Korihor. He taught the doctrines Satan had given him with such diligence that he came to believe them himself, his own original discernment being overcome. We also see that Satan again fulfilled his desires, in that he had this lying spirit with Korihor for so long, and it had become such a part of him. The prophet knew that were he to release his tongue and allow him to speak, he would allow that spirit entrance and control again. He would choose to continue to do those things that he had done before. We also see the final destiny of those who follow Satan, in that he always leads a person to ultimate destruction, both spiritually and physically.
This leads us to the second group of unclean spirits. These are personages who have already lived on the earth and have died, whose spirits have become subjected to Satan's power. President Brigham Young explained it this way: You are aware that many people think that the Devil has rule and power over both body and spirit. Now, I want to tell you that he does not hold any power over man, only so far as the body overcomes the spirit that is in a man, through yielding to the spirit of evil. The spirit that the Lord puts into a tabernacle of flesh, is under the dictation of the Lord Almighty; but the spirit and body are united in order that the spirit may have a tabernacle, and be exalted; and the spirit is influenced by the body, and the body by the spirit.
In the first place the spirit is pure, and under the special control and influence of the Lord, but the body is of the earth, and is subject to the power of the Devil, and is under the mighty influence of the fallen nature that is of the earth. If the spirit yields to the body, the Devil then has power to overcome the body and spirit of that man, and he loses both.
(Brigham Young, Discourses of Brigham Young, pgs. 69,70.)
In his Key to Theology, Parley P. Pratt teaches: Many spirits of the departed, who are unhappy, linger in lonely wretchedness about the earth, and in the air, and especially about their ancient homesteads, and the places rendered dear to them by the memory of former scenes. The more wicked of these are the kind spoken of in Scripture as "foul spirits," "unclean spirits," spirits who afflict persons in the flesh, and engender various diseases in the human system. They will sometimes enter human bodies, and will distract them, throw them into fits, cast them into the water, into the fire, etc. They will trouble them with dreams, nightmare, hysterics, fever, etc. They will also deform them in body and in features, by convulsions, cramps, contortions, etc., and will sometimes compel them to utter blasphemies, horrible curses, and even words of other languages. If permitted, they will often cause death. Some of these spirits are adulterous, and suggest to the mind all manner of lasciviousness, all kinds of evil thoughts and temptations.
A person on looking another in the eye, who is possessed of an evil spirit, will feel a shock, a nervous feeling, which will, as it were, make his hair stand on end, in short, a shock resembling that produced in a nervous system by the sight of a serpent. Some of these spirits cause deafness, others dumbness, etc.
We can suggest no remedy for these multiplied evils, to which poor human nature is subject, except a good life, while we are in possession of our faculties, prayers and fasting’s of good and holy men, and the ministry of those who have power given them to rebuke evil spirits and cast out devils, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Parley P. Pratt, Key to Theology, pgs. 120-122.)
The adversary can have power to retard our spirit's reception of truth and light. We need to be discerning of these spirits and recognize their ability to block our reception of the Holy Spirit, striving to bring confusion upon us. When an individual’s mind has been properly prepared to receive priesthood blessing, they can be pronounced with effect. Here's the experience of one woman who struggled with that kind of influence: For about a week I had been suffering through an emotional trauma the likes of which I had never before experienced. Although I prayed almost constantly, I didn't feel like I was getting through to Heavenly Father. In desperation I asked my brother-in-law to give me a blessing.
That evening was very special, and we felt Heavenly Father's spirit in rich abundance. The blessing was very nice, but just when I thought it was over, he stopped and commanded the evil spirits in me to depart. I was stunned beyond belief. For a split second I thought he was crazy – I didn't have any evil spirits in me. Then I felt an incredible lightness come into my being as the darkness in my soul was removed. At that point, and only after the evil spirits had gone, I received a miraculous visitation from beyond the veil as a heavenly messenger reached out to me with the comfort and peace and love that my soul was longing for.
Since that time, my life hasn't been the same. I have been able to bear my trials and keep an eternal perspective that I had never had before, all due to the added revelation and blessings that I received when Satan's influence was removed. As I look back on the experience, I think about how I had scoffed at the idea of evil spirits possessing good people. I thought it only happened to people who weren't trying to keep the commandments (you know, murderers, etc.) I see now how erroneous and naive my beliefs were, and that I had denied the reality and influence of Satan and his legions.
Here is another story of the Adversary's influence upon a person who was learning truths Satan did not want understood. I had a personal experience of mind blockage. It happened as an acquaintance and I were studying the scriptures one morning. He had just read to me about Lazarus being raised from the dead. Just about then my telephone rang, and I went to the kitchen to answer it. Upon completion of the conversation, I returned to the living room to rejoin my friend. As I looked at him, I wondered what he was doing in the living room and, most of all, why was he holding the scriptures? I couldn’t remember any of our previous discussion. My mind had been totally blocked out. He said that he had awareness that the adversary entered, and perceived that spirits were blocking my recall. Shortly, I commanded the evil spirit to leave me, and my mind became clear and we completed our discussion.
31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (New Testament | John 8:31-32.)
4 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
(New Testament | James 4:7)
​🎯 - Both Evil & Unclean Spirits Inhabit This Earth:
Most scriptural accounts of Lucifer's rebellion simply state that he and his followers "fell from heaven" or were "thrust down." (See Isaiah 14:12,15; Luke 10:18.) However, other verses indicate that Satan was cast down where he could "tempt the children of men" (Doctrine & Covenants | 29:39), where he seeks "to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will" (Pearl of Great Price | Moses 4:4), and where he "maketh war with the saints of God, and encompasseth them round about." (Doctrine & Covenants | 76:29).
The New Testament specifies the abode of "the devil and his angels" as this earth:
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. (New Testament | Revelation 12:9,12; italics added)
This earth is also the habitation for the disembodied spirits of those who have died and await resurrection. The prophet Joseph Smith taught:
Concerning Brother Adams, [He] has gone to open up a more effectual door for the dead. The spirits of the just are exalted to a greater and more glorious work; hence they are blessed in their departure to the world of spirits. Enveloped in flaming fire, they are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and are often pained therewith. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Sec.1843-44, p. 326)
Disembodied Spirits Number in the Billions According to Abraham, "many followed after [Lucifer]" (Pearl of Great Price | Abraham 3:8). Modern revelation informs us that "many" was approximately a third of the hosts of heaven:
36 And it came to pass that Adam, being tempted of the devil–for, behold, the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency; 37 And they were thrust down, and thus came the devil and his angels... (Doctrine & Covenants 29:36-37, italics added)
Billions of people live on the earth today. By the time we include those who have died and those who have yet to live, we can easily surmise that our spirit brothers and sisters who were cast out with Lucifer also number in the billions. This means that there are times when we are bombarded with temptations from many spirits at once, perhaps at critical junctures in our lives when we have important decisions to make or when we make a special attempt to turn our lives around or increase our personal righteousness. They work in strategic tag-teams for specific purposes.
​🎯 - These Spirits Want Mortal Bodies
We are taught that when Satan and his followers rebelled, they gave up the opportunity to have physical bodies of their own. Since possessing such a body is the only means of progression beyond their current state, they strive to take over the bodies of mortals whenever possible, both to increase their own power and to destroy those of us seeking higher rewards.
Elder James E. Talmage wrote: The demons that take possession of men, overruling their agency and compelling them to obey Satanic bidding, are the unembodied angels of the devil, whose triumph it is to afflict mortals, and if possible, to compel them to sin. To gain for themselves the transitory gratification of tenanting a body of flesh, these demons are eager to enter even into the bodies of beasts. (Jesus the Christ, p. 183) The prophet Joseph Smith explained it this way: Now, in this world, mankind is naturally selfish, ambitious and striving to excel one above another...So in the other world there are a variety of spirits. Some seek to excel, and this was the case with Lucifer when he fell. He sought for things which were unlawful. Hence, he was sent down, and it is said he drew many away with him; and the greatness of his punishment is that he shall not have a tabernacle. This is his punishment. So the devil, thinking to thwart the decree of God, by going up and down in the earth, seeking whom he may destroy–any person that he can find that will yield to him, he will bind him, and take possession of the body and reign there, glorying in it mightily, not caring that he had got merely a stolen body; and
by-and-by someone having authority will come along and cast him out and restore the tabernacle to its rightful owner. (Documentary History of the Church, Vol. V, p. 388)
As mentioned earlier, those who once lived on earth and had bodies are also eager to possess one again. Both evil and unclean spirits attempt to dwell in the bodies of mortals whenever possible.
Such Spirits Are Our Sworn Enemies
Satan and his followers have only one goal and that is to destroy God's plan by destroying us. They are extremely bitter and have no concern whatsoever for our welfare. Throughout the scriptures, their interactions with mortals are described in the most negative terms: they tempt, vex, entice, and seduce; they lie in wait to deceive, set snares, blind, and afflict; above all, they lead away captive, encompass round about, and wage war.
We are to have no sympathy for them. We are to constantly be on our guard. Alma warns:
39 Yea, and I also exhort you, my brethren, that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil, that he may not overpower you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last day; for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing. (Book of Mormon | Alma 34:39)
Moroni adds: 17 Whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil...is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him. (Book of Mormon | Moroni 7:17)
In fact, we cannot overestimate how much Satan hates us or underestimate what he would do to us. The First Presidency once described him thus:
He is working under such perfect disguise that many do not recognize either him or his methods. There is no crime he would not commit, no debauchery he would not set up, no plague he would not send, no heart he would not break, no life he would not take, no soul he would not destroy. He comes as a thief in the night; he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. (Messages of the First Presidency, compiled by James R. Clark, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965-75, Vol. 6, p. 170) The restored gospel, I learned in my studies, thus puts our battle with evil in perspective. We are in the midst of a war that began long before we were born. If the enemy seems overwhelming, we can remind ourselves that it is a war we entered into voluntarily by standing with Jehovah in the great pre-mortal council. We knew when we made that choice that Lucifer was no one to be trifled with, but would have limited powers. We also knew our Father in Heaven, and we had full faith in His plan. We wanted the opportunity to choose between good and evil because we knew that only by choosing our Father's way independently would we become like Him and live in His presence forever. In hopes of attaining this noble goal, we willingly agreed to the conditions of earth life, not only ready to take on temptation, but confident that we would succeed. We already won once, but we need to do it again.
​🎯 - Mortals Have Power Over Disembodied Spirits:
I feel certain that our confidence and joy upon entering mortality was well-founded. What transpired during the council in heaven is evidence to me that we were well-informed and had a good understanding of the pressures and temptations Lucifer would bring to bear against us. Perhaps those of us awaiting birth even witnessed many earthly events, including the great power and evil influence exerted by the adversary throughout the world’s history. If we were not afraid of Lucifer then, when our knowledge was sure, we should not be overly fearful now. Again, I propose that they are
the ones living in fear of their future and outcome, but when we allow them to attach to us, we feel their fear as though it is our fear, one of their greatest tricks and deceptions. They seek to hold us back, bind us down, and intimidate us, scare us into submission. They want us to be afraid of resisting them unless a worse one comes upon us. They seek to have us be as fearful as they experience it.
When I ponder accounts by those who have "met" Satan face-to-face, I get a glimpse of how terrifying a firsthand encounter with him must be. Joseph Smith nearly gave in to the darkness that bound his tongue when he went to pray in the Sacred Grove (Joseph Smith 1). Moses trembled with fear in the presence of Satan immediately after having seen the Lord Himself (Moses 1). The powers of the devil are terrible, and his influence is a reality in our lives. However, Satan's powers pale next to God's powers – in fact, even next to our own when we work with knowledge of how to resist and may also use the name of Jesus Christ in faith to give us relief.
We are not expected to fight unaided against a totally overwhelming opponent. Joseph Smith said, "Wicked spirits have their bounds, limits, and laws by which they are governed" (History of the Church, Vol. 4, p. 576). Lucifer and all those who follow him are limited in what they can do to us. In fact, I believe that at any given moment, Satan and his minions are exerting all the power over us that they can. If they could do more to us, they would immediately seize the opportunity. When we make headway against them, they might attempt to increase their level of activity or their visibility to make us afraid to confront them. But they cannot harm us in new ways without our collaboration.
Perhaps the single greatest limitation placed on Satan and his followers is their invisibility in the face of our personal righteousness. When we move forward with faith and love, ignoring their enticements, they all but disappear. They may place thoughts in our minds, but they cannot make us accept those thoughts as our own. They may present us with false logic or heighten our frustration over uncomfortable circumstances or flood our senses with rationalizations and addictive desires, but they cannot force us to take unethical or immoral action. Evil spirits may have the power to frighten us with direct encounters or to possess our bodies and perform sins that we would not commit – but it is my understanding that such incidents cannot take place without an opening, without some kind of permission granted by us, which is our acceptance of their fiery darts of thoughts as our own. We have used our agency to follow them and then we begin to give them more power as we act out on their evil suggestions.
According to the apostle Paul, God will not allow evil spirits to tempt us beyond our ability to withstand. Paul warned the Saints at Corinth, after rehearsing the history of Israel’s wanderings in the wilderness, not to be like those Israelites who gave in to lust and murmuring and other weaknesses. Those who gave in to small temptations were unable to stand with the righteous at crucial times on larger issues, and they were destroyed. Paul then explained:
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (New Testament | I Corinthians 10:13)
Our Father in Heaven will always provide a way out of any temptation. When our personal habits already support righteousness, it is much easier for us to perceive the Lord’s will and act on His word. The escape He offers is more obvious to us and our willingness to take the necessary action is already in place. When our current behavior contradicts His ways, responding to that opportunity is more difficult. Nevertheless, the escape is always there.
Other “bounds” are set for Lucifer and his followers as well. They must respond, for example, to true priesthood authority and to the name of Jesus
Christ used in faith by a believer and follower of the Savior. These important tools, available to all who come unto Christ, give righteous mortals power over disembodied spirits.
Paul usually becomes a talking point at this juncture because he said:
6 For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me. 7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. (New Testament | 2 Corinthians 12:6 - 10)
Satan’s bounds are set and Father in Heaven uses different means to humble us as we suffer because of our disobedience. Suffering is part of the gospel that brings about godly sorrow, that brings about repentance, as you see here with Paul.
‘And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.’
Father in Heaven let Paul be buffeted by Satan to help keep him humble and contrite. He uses different means to bring about broken hearts and contrite spirit’s which is a major objective with each of us. If we persist inconsistent disobedience, we will be brought into a state of suffering until such time as we fully repent.
Joseph Smith was not given financial strength, and he and his wife lived with many different people to receive their temporal needs.
1 I am Alpha and Omega, Christ the Lord; yea, even I am he, the beginning and the end, the Redeemer of the world. 2 I, having accomplished and finished the will of him whose I am, even the Father, concerning me— having done this that I might subdue all things unto myself— 3 Retaining all power, even to the destroying of Satan and his works at the end of the world, and the last great day of judgment, which I shall pass upon the inhabitants thereof, judging every man according to his works and the deeds which he hath done. 4 And surely every man must repent or suffer, for I, God, am endless. 5 Wherefore, I revoke not the judgments which I shall pass, but woes shall go forth, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, yea, to those who are found on my left hand. 15 Therefore I command you to repent—repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore—how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not. 16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; 17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I; 18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink— 19 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.
20 Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit. (D&C 19:1-5:15-20)
‘Thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in righteousness, even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit.’ (D&C 59:8)
We have all been given weaknesses of one kind or another that we may learn to become strong through overcoming them.
27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them. Either 12:27
Sometimes the Lord uses war, earthquakes, famines, drought, and other natural events to humble us. He wants us to acknowledge his hand in all things and we are to recognize these things as part of his voice and message to us.
24 O, ye nations of the earth, how often would I have gathered you together as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but ye would not! 25 How oft have I called upon you by the mouth of my servants, and by the ministering of angels, and by mine own voice, and by the voice of thunderings, and by the voice of lightnings, and by the voice of tempests, and by the voice of earthquakes, and great hailstorms, and by the voice of famines and pestilences of every kind, and by the great sound of a trump, and by the voice of judgment, and by the voice of mercy all the day long, and by the voice of glory and honor and the riches of eternal life, and would have saved you with an everlasting salvation, but ye would not! (D&C 43:24-25)
6 And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations; (D&C 87:6)
In closing this chapter out, I ask you again if you are not receiving the warning voice of the Holy Spirit, the still small voice coming to you each and every time just before you decide to look at pornography and potentially go into self-abuse and other deviant behaviors? It is that voice of conscience that comes to you and says, ‘No, no, do not do this, this is not going to be good for you, it will hurt you, it is intended by the adversary to destroy you!
If you are not receiving this warning voice you ought to be even more afraid as it could be the sign that you are being turned over to the buffetings of Satan. The spirit the Lord will be withdrawn from you and you’ll be led down with flaxen cords of deviant fiery dart thoughts that are now turning to the chains of hell. Fight back! See your ecclesiastical leader and get other professional help if you require it, but repent quickly unless your sufferings be sore, how sore you know not, as described above by the Savior.
Fight back by finding someone who can facilitate you with these Protocols of Adversary Resistance.
Excerpts from: Protocols of Adversarial Resistance
We are to be the children of light, but sometimes we get snared into dark paths.
45 …. let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly: then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God… (D & C| Section 121:45 - 46)
Let’s learn from this client’s report:
I was very tired the next day after spending the night watching pornography in my hotel room. I was very distracted from my work. I knew I was in the state of mind most people want to call or identify as sexual addiction. I was out of control with a craving for more of something that I identified and understood to be very detrimental and a violation of my conscience, commitments, and covenants. I knew better than to do these things, and there was always the warning voice of the Holy Spirit, letting me know that these things ought not to be. The warning voice of the Holy Spirit would always come, and I had to intentionally ignore it. I was always given a few seconds of a clear mind where the Holy Spirit warned me, ‘Don’t do this, it is not good for you!”
Personal power is in the commitment to be clean and stay clean. Once you decide to stay clean even for a day it is no longer a fight for that day, because the decision is already made for the day. It can be a fight if you are accepting of the rationalized fiery darts of thoughts, then it is a decision battle for that day. There is no battle when you just make up your mind to be clean and stay clean. This commitment to finally be clean and stay clean is a major part of what it takes to get out of it continuously. The commitment is to make a solid lifetime decision not just a daily one, to be clean and stay clean. It requires taking back our power of agency and choice and choose again, correctly. We have to do it, not just pretend, as though you are going to do decide to pacify your mind on any given day. We all prove ourselves repentant and worthy again by making consistent right choices, and actions, anew.
12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.
16 Do not err, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning….
21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
NT James 1
Again, one of the questions I always ask the prospective missionaries that I am working with in my hypnotherapy practice to assist in preparing them for their missions is, "Just before you went to look at pornography and you were still in that decision moment for that day, did you not get the warning voice of the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, warning you, 'No, no, no, this is not going to be good for you?'" I always wanted to know if their collective experience is the same. The warning is consistent even in the worst of times. Invariably, they all acknowledge that they do receive this constant warning from the Holy Spirit and that they make a choice to ignore the warnings, and followed after the rationalized fiery darts of tempting thoughts of the devil. They make a decision and chose to follow the promptings of the devil, instead of the Holy Spirit, which brings them to a place where they are contending against the Holy Ghost. That is what I believe is being described in this next verse, when you ignore the warning of the Holy Ghost and take on the influence of rationalizing evil spirits.
38 That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.
39 Yea, and I also exhort you, my brethren, that ye be watchful unto prayer continually, that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil, that he may not overpower you, that ye may not become his subjects at the last day; for behold, he rewardeth you no good thing. (Book of Mormon | Alma 34:37 - 41)
Pornographic experiences and denial of the Lord’s warnings will bring one to a point where you lose light, truth, and spirit, and subject yourself to the devil. As you subject yourself to these satanic influences you experience states of self-loathing and depression as you violate your conscience. You may become disgusted with yourself and what you are doing, but the strong arousal feelings of curiosity and lust, being used to numb out the other negative and painful feelings such as loneliness and boredom, still may seem overpowering. Giving heed to the rationalized mind chatter that constantly bombards one who is involved in these things, creates negative feelings that can grow into suicidal states of anger, hopelessness,and helplessness, feelings of despair, and fear of one’s future. You may have thought bombardments of how unworthy you are, or how unclean you have become. Pornography turns everyone involved into a liar, using excuses for being distracted and tired all the time. Your self-esteem and self-worth will take a huge plunge as you won’t be the leader you have been, because in fact, you won’t be.
You may not realize it at the time, because you are distracted with other discouragements, that the Lord's warnings and consequences are coming upon you. Other things may start to go wrong, costing you financial losses, and it may feel that you have been turned over to the Devourer, because you have in deed gotten yourself into a position where blessings are being withheld. Withheld blessings in the scriptures is called being cursed. In addition to the consequences of D & C 42, other problems will come upon you.
23 And he that looketh upon a woman to lust after her shall deny the faith, and shall not have the Spirit; and if he repents not he shall be cast out. (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 42:22 - 23)
16 And he said: Thus saith the Lord God—Cursed shall be the land, yea, this land, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, unto destruction, which do wickedly, when they are fully ripe; and as I have said so shall it be; for this is the cursing and the blessing of God upon the land, for the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. Alma 45:16
We are witnessing a lot of people currently denying the faith and leaving the church. They are losing the Spirit and in effect casting themselves out. I think we would be surprised how many of them lost the Spirit first with pornographic involvements. You are denying the faith by not heeding the warnings coming to you as described above, ‘and shall not have the Spirit’. This loss of the Spirit and denying of the faith is a primary goal achievement of the devil in promoting pornographic involvements with us.
Self-respect comes out of making right decisions and choices. It is a product of self-discipline, keeping the commandments, and living a righteous life. One of the main ideas of developing high self-esteem is that we care enough about ourselves to protect ourselves from such involvements. Everything about pornography opens us up to adversarial influences and attachments, or evil spirit possessions. These entity attachments whisper in our ears a constant bombardment of mind chatter. These mind chatter statements are always self-defeating, self-deprecating, self-incriminating, and self debilitating. Our self-worth will be destroyed with involvements in pornography, as we are described and labeled in the Scriptures as the unclean, the filthy, a warmonger, a liar, and are cursed. A major goal of the adversary is to get us to lose our identity of who we were in the preexistence and why we are here with a body and the entities are not. They want to destroy our righteous identities in any way they can and pornography in the cycle of addiction as explained under the heading of Addiction can get this done for the devil, if we allow it. We have to allow it by being accepting of the temptation thoughts and acting out upon them.
3. Brings Condemnations
3. Brings Condemnations
We bring condemnation upon ourselves as we continually break the commandments and choose to live in sin.
27 But wo unto him that has the law given, yea, that has all the commandments of God, like unto us, and that transgresseth them, and that wasteth the days of his probation, for awful is his state! (2Nephi 9:27)
The scriptures give great warnings of condemnations of being caught up in deviant and pornographic behaviors and choices. The Lord will not spare bringing us to Godly sorrow as sufficient sorrow and suffering brings about a desire to change, repentance. The Lord will let us know that He expects better of us, because, he whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth. He will let us know that he loves us, but that in choosing pornographic involvements and ignoring His warning voice repeatedly, we become filthy, unclean, a whore-monger, and a liar.
Here are just a few of the many scriptures we can review for an understanding of how the Lord views these pornographic and self-abuse activities.
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. (Old Testament | Proverbs 6:16 - 19)
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
​🎯 - Filthiness:
32 And it came to pass that I said unto them that it was a representation of things both temporal and spiritual; for the day should come that they must be judged of their works, yea, even the works which were done by the temporal body in their days of probation.
33 Wherefore, if they should die in their wickedness they must be cast off also, as to the things which are spiritual, which are pertaining to righteousness; wherefore, they must be brought to stand before God, to be judged of their works; and if their works have been filthiness they must needs be filthy; and if they be filthy it must needs be that they cannot dwell in the kingdom of God; if so, the kingdom of God must be filthy also.
34 But behold, I say unto you, the kingdom of God is not filthy, and there cannot any unclean thing enter into the kingdom of God; wherefore there must needs be a place of filthiness prepared for that which is filthy.
35 And there is a place prepared, yea, even that awful hell of which I have spoken, and the devil is the preparator of it; wherefore the final state of the souls of men is to dwell in the kingdom of God, or to be cast out because of that justice of which I have spoken.
36 Wherefore, the wicked are rejected from the righteous…. Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 15:32 - 36)
11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. (New Testament | Revelation 22:11 - 12)
1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. (New Testament | 2 Corinthians 7:1)
​🎯 - Uncleanliness:
21 Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever. (Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 10:21)
7 And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their sins; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins. (Book of Mormon | Alma 11:37)
26 But behold, an awful death cometh upon the wicked; for they die as to things pertaining to things of righteousness; for they are unclean, and no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of God; but they are cast out, and consigned to partake of the fruits of their labors or their works, which have been evil; and they drink the dregs of a bitter cup. (Book of Mormon | Alma 40:26)
​🎯 - Whoredoms:
36 Wo unto them who commit whoredoms, for they shall be thrust down to hell.(2 Nephi 9:36)
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. (New Testament | Revelation 21:8)
4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. (New Testament | Hebrews 13:4)
​🎯 - Liar:
2 Nephi 34: Wo unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down to hell.
8 And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.
9 But behold, I say unto you that ye must pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ, that he will consecrate thy performance unto thee, that thy performance may be for the welfare of thy soul. 2 Nephi 32:8-9
Here the Lord speaks in clarity of what the future holds for us if we do not repent and decide to be clean and stay clean!
15 Therefore I command you to repent—repent, lest I smite you by the rod of my mouth, and by my wrath, and by my anger, and your sufferings be sore—how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea, how hard to bear you know not.
16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;
17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;
18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—
19 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.
20 Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, .... D&C 19:15-20
The Lord makes it clear that He has done His part. Now it is time for us to do ours, and REPENT.
4. Brain Components
4. Brain Components
Mr. John Harmer of the Lighted Candle Society, who has been fighting pornography for the past 50 years, learned of W. Dennis Parker and his work in this area while visiting with his editor of one of his books. Dennis was utilizing the same editor at the time on one of his projects.
Please watch the video of what John has to say about his encounters with Dennis, and then read the documents on Brain studies conducted by the Lighted Candle Society on the effects of Pornography on the brain, below.
Dr. Donald Hilton:
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA, and Clark Watts, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas School of Law, Austin, TX, USA,
PORNOGRAPHY ADDICTION: A neuroscience perspective: Click Here
Obtain a PDF copy Here
PORNOGRAPHY AND THE BRAIN: Understanding the Addiction: Click Here
Obtain a PDF Copy Here
5. Damages Relationships
5. Damages Relationships
Some have experienced rejections in their attempts at relationships and feel vulnerable to attempt making new ones. The people on the pages or videos, don’t reject them, it’s not personal, and therefore it’s not personally satisfying. So, after the pornography encounter, they feel even more lonely and disgusted with themselves, and these entities once again prompt them to seek further relief by doing the very thing again that is creating the personal emotional and physical pain in the first place. This is the downward spiral identified by some people as the addiction. It is a continual seeking of relief from what is causing the pain in the first place, by using what is causing the pain as the relief, so we have more pain, and seek more relief from the very thing that is causing the pain, and so it goes on and on.
I now receive referrals from ecclesiastical leaders, doctors, and many parents and grandparents, and I have assisted hundreds of young people to take control of their lives and be prepared to go on missions or get married. I have worked with many who have returned home early from their mission for emotional issues or misdeeds. We will discuss a few of those as well. I also work with individuals and couples in assisting them to understand and overcome pornographic influences and hold their marriages together and take their relationships to new levels of trust, respect, and love again, as these influences are understood and overcome.
There are many areas of adversarial influence we could discuss. It would cover the entire range of negative spiritual gifts that evil and unclean spirits possess. But, in this book, I feel to make a major teaching focus of what I observe in helping people with overcoming pornographic and suicidal influences. As you come to understand how to deal with the adversarial influences associated with pornography and suicide, you will also know how to deal with most of whatever else the devil is doing with entity attachments.
Satan uses specific strategic tag teams of evil spirits with each attempt to make us miserable, discourage us, create despair, and seek to have us destroy ourselves. Devils seek any vulnerability they can exploit within us, and any self-incriminating belief we might accept, ‘I am too tall or I am too short’. All of these entity tag teams are employed with those caught up in pornography, however, there are two primary ones, evil entities with the negative emotional spiritual gifts of curiosity and lust. The adversary is using this snare of pornography to trap far too many and to ruin too many marriages and families, by destroying love. Love is a compound emotion made up of trust, respect, gratitude, and appreciation for what the other person does for us in our lives. When we tell someone we love them, we are saying that we trust, respect, and appreciate them. We have gratitude for what they do for us and want them in our life. When pornography is introduced into the relationship, it destroys trust, respect, gratitude and appreciation and they feel it as a betrayal of the relationship. I am not saying that the relationship can’t be rebuilt, I work successfully with couples every day to do this, but sometimes it can take years to ever get back to the levels of trust and respect that were enjoyed before, and sometimes the relationship never recovers.
Excerpts from: Protocols of Adversarial Resistance - Session Transcript
Dennis: I'm going to tap you on your right knee. I want you to put eleven-year-old you over here, at the first time you saw pornography. You said you moved to Ohio, you had some friends, I'm going to tap you on your left knee. Put your friends and buddies over on your left knee, who got you involved in this. You got it? In this state you can see, hear, feel, and talk to them. I want you with your head against the chair to see the eleven-year-old you out here. You have to teach him some things. First thing I want you to teach him is the fact and the reason why the adversary wants to use pornography to destroy homes and families. But we're going to get really clear with him, because this is the motivational factor to pornography. I'm going to teach you; you’re going to teach him.
The first thing I want you to teach him is that love is a very compound emotion. I believe that love is made up of respect, trust, gratitude for the other person being in our life, appreciation for all the things they do for us, love is a very compound emotion. When we tell someone we love them, we are really saying, ‘I trust and respect you’, and so forth. Now here's the adversarial plot, that's very simple, I see it here every day. The adversary wants to keep you dabbling in this, so you could rationalize and say, 'Well, I haven’t done it in six months, it's okay for me to look again, well I'll just look a little bit, just a little, one more time won’t matter. I've repented so many times, I know I'll repent again.’
The adversary wants to bombard us with those fiery darts of stinking thinking thoughts around this issue. 2 Nephi 28:22 says, ‘the devil whispers in our ears’. He whispers in our ears in first person I language. ‘I am no devil, for there is none, thus he whispers in our ears’. He whispers in first person because he is the one who says 'I want to go look for what I may not have seen yet, I wonder what she looks like without her clothes on’. All those ‘I’ language temptation kind of thoughts. They have the power and ability to bombard us with them, but we have the power, ability, agency and choice, to accept or reject them. Now, if the adversary could keep you accepting, if you’re accepting those thoughts and you dabble in pornography from time to time, just as you said, you’re not married, you want to get married, you want to have a family, you want to have this over with before you do, is that true?
That is what you told me earlier, but the adversary plot is pretty simple. The plot is if you keep messing around with this, he’s going to set you up for failure. The way he does it is you’re going to get married and you might not mess around with pornography for a couple of years. Then one night your wife is at a relief society or a young women's function or something, and your home watching the baby or doing your work or whatever, and all of a sudden, you get bombarded. All of these fiery darts are going into your head, you’re going to get tempted is what it's called, you’re going to get enticed, you’re going to get seduced, all those thoughts are going to come into your head, that you have been use to giving way too. The Devil is a long-term strategic planner and an opportunist. Entities will say, ‘If you want to look now you can, it’s been a long time, you've missed out, you don’t know what you’re not getting to see now, all that kind of crap, and the entities are going to do this temptation thought bombardment at the very time they know your wife's coming home.
If you go turn on the computer and your looking, absorbed in what you are doing, and she comes around the corner in perfect timing, because the adversary knows where she is at, he knows how to set all of this up for destruction of love. He's been doing this for thousands of years now. Your wife walks in, she sees you on the computer looking at other naked women, what just happened to the respect?
Client: She's devastated.
Dennis: Yep, what’s just happened to the trust?
Client: It’s broken.
Dennis: How grateful is she all of a sudden, she's married to you?
Client: She's not.
Dennis: And what happens to her appreciation that you’re her husband and you’re supposed to be her long-term eternal companion?
Client: It’s shattered.
Dennis: Now I'm not saying that those things can’t be repaired over time, but sometimes it takes years and decades to repair those kinds of damages. It’s far better to never have to experience it in the first place, do you understand?
Client: Yeah.
Dennis: The whole trap is to destroy love. Meaning respect, trust, gratitude, appreciation. It's no different if you were out at the young men's event and you came home one night and you walk in and she's on a computer and she's sitting there looking at other naked men. How would you feel?
Client: Bad, I wouldn’t like that.
Dennis: No, they don’t like it either. So, as a motivational issue the number one answer is to just make the decision, to be clean and just stay clean. Then you never have to worry about it. When those fiery darts come in, you've got to learn to bounce them out, just reject them, bounce them out. Now we haven’t taught you exactly how to do all that yet, but we will. But it’s pretty simple, you've got to become aware, you've got to discern that some thoughts that come in your mind are not even your thoughts. They are these thoughts of temptation and when you recognize these first-person thoughts of temptation, then you can say in your mind, this isn’t even me, this isn’t even coming from me. The devils are they're attempting to trick me, again. But you already know what these temptation thoughts are, don’t you?
Client: Yeah.
6. Distractions
6. Distractions
Excerpts from The Protocols of Adversarial Resistance book.
Familiar spirits
Yes, what we’re saying here is that when these evil spirit entities are attached to us, we feel their emotions as though they were our emotions. Again, I identify evil spirit entities by the strongest emotion they are giving to the person. If we are not discerning of this happening to us, they become so familiar to us that we, in fact, believe it is us. They have become familiar spirits to us, now attempting to bind us down with their additional fiery darts of thoughts, creating additional negative emotional content, and compounding this with the entities attached emotions. When the person you’re working with has this knowledge and understanding that the fear they are feeling is not even theirs, that it is fears – fear. The lust they have been feeling in an overpowering way is not even their lust, it is lusts – lust. The despair they have been feeling is not even their despair, it is despairs – despair. The light comes on and the entities lose more power, as the person learns and accepts more truth. It is only the truth that sets us free and it is a line upon line event as the lies, trickery, and deceptions, are understood, challenged, and changed. The person you are working with will discern the emotion and entity losing more power with each new understood and accepted truth and the persons self-confidence that they are winning this battle continues to grow. Increased confidence is their increased faith and belief.
Remember, one of the adversaries most powerful controlling emotions upon us is fear. When you start these protocols, if you feel an increase in fear, remember that it is the entities fears of being discovered and eradicated that you are feeling. The entity is increasing in fear and you will feel it, but don't be tricked into thinking that you are becoming more fearful, it is fears - fear. You are becoming more aware of an entity’s fear of being eradicated, and projecting their fears into you, to scare you, distract you, into not moving forward and taking your power of agency, choice, and freedom back through sufficient resistance. The ultimate deceptions or adversarial trickery is that when we are attached or possessed with an evil spirit, they become so familiar to us that we think their fear or their emotion that we are feeling from them, is us. When you start these protocols, fear within the entities who know they are about to be exposed and eradicated most always increase. Don’t let fear from an attached entity distract and trick you, or any other entities emotions (boredom, loneliness, isolation, curiosity, lust, or helplessness, hopelessness, and despair, the suicidal ideation team) frighten and deceive you into not figuring them out and freeing yourself from them.
Distractions That Seek to Destroy Our Souls
I’ve noticed that when I’m plodding along, not doing any apparent harm yet not really doing much good either, things appear to go fairly smoothly. However, as soon as I make a new commitment to live the commandments with more exactness or decide to influence someone towards Christ, events combine to keep me from being where I should be, doing what my new resolve requires. It seems that every weakness I have or fear I can develop, is brought into play.
It seems to be that the greater the resolve we feel to keep our commitments and covenants, the greater the opposition Satan exerts in whatever areas of our lives he can create an opening. I also believe that when Satan’s minions cannot influence us directly, they begin to use objects, events, and even other people to divert our attention from a righteous endeavor. For example, my editor remembers that soon when she and her husband had their first child, it was difficult for them to find time to discuss their spiritual progress and insights. Whenever they planned an hour to do so–no matter the day of the week or the time of day–the same friend would call long distance and say, “You just popped into my mind, so I thought I would call to see how you’re doing.” Because she lived across country, they felt obligated to spend time with her on the phone, although she mostly complained about her inappropriate and unsatisfactory love life. These poorly-timed calls happened so often, they became a family joke, but the spiritual and marital growth that was hindered is far from funny. It is likely that Satan knew that this woman, who was often idle and lonely, would respond to the thought to call at a spiritually distracting moment. (This example should not be confused with promptings from the Holy Spirit to assist someone. When I am not sure which voice has suggested I call someone, I find that the tone and direction of the conversation clarifies the source within the first few moments.)
A particularly powerful form of distraction is one associated with “the devourer” mentioned in Malachi 3:11. I have noticed that when I become prideful in my pursuits and accomplishments, when I boast in some way about a particular possession, or when I have not recognized the hand of God in an accomplishment in my life, one thing after another suddenly goes wrong, breaks down, or backfires. Murphy’s Law seems to take over and be in full effect. The devourer is set free, allowing certain afflictions to humble me. Usually things begin to get better as soon as I recognize God as the source of all my blessings and repent of what has been out of harmony.
At other times, the devourer is set free upon us to test us as Job. Job was a righteous man, and nowhere does it say he deserved the losses inflicted upon him. He was tested in his faith and belief in the blessings of God. He withstood the test of losing everything he had, yet he held to his testimony, which in the end was made stronger and surer. He did not become bitter about the losses, “curse God and die” so to speak, but went on to be greatly blessed again after patiently bearing the trial of the devourer. Satan would have us lose our faith in God as we experience losses in our lives--financial setbacks, loved ones who are taken early, or other tragedies that try us to the core of our capacities. Our response to these tragedies can be one of patience and faith or one of mistrust in God and rebellion towards him for allowing these things to happen. Satan would distract us from looking for the divine purpose and will that is being manifest at these times, and thus rob us of the faith-building and strengthening that comes as we pass through such adversities. Moroni explains:
. . . I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. (Ether 12:6)
Some distractions keep us from spiritual progress in general. We are kept from worthwhile projects because we are “so busy” with things of little eternal value. They keep us from our true priorities. We may feel we must have a new car or a larger home, which justifies us working two jobs or having our spouse work to help us. We not only lose the irreplaceable time that should be spent with each other, but also time with our children and time with the Lord.
The adversary may then give us urges to excel above others in numerous ways. The Lord chastened William W. Phelps thus:
[H]e hath need to repent, for I, the Lord, am not well pleased with him, for he seeketh to excel, and he is not sufficiently meek before me. (D&C 58:41)
If he can convince us to center our attention on our dress, education, or social status, we may lose our Christ-centered orientation in the way we view ourselves and others. Satan knows how easily such distractions can be diverted into layer upon layer of sin. Once we have obtained these “things,” we may begin to seek prestige among men instead of the honor of God. If not brought back into a Christ-centered view and focus, by giving thanks and recognizing God as the source of all our blessings, these distractions and urges can compound into Pride.
If we accept Pride as our companion, it becomes nearly impossible to avoid further distractions. Pride tells us that we are better than others because of our things, or our positions, or our station in life. These become more important than people's feelings, our church callings, Sunday worship, and service to neighbors and community. Pride smothers emotions like kindness, love, and compassion to the extent that those around us may not even feel these emotions from us. Pride can thus distance us from the ones we should love and who should feel free to love, care for, and associate with us. It destroys our natural relationships with others and God.
At this point, another unclean spirit almost always enters. It is Pride's companion Comparison. The spirit of Comparison never allows happiness, contentment, or peace. When we're possessed of this spirit, we tend to compare ourselves with both those who have less than we do and those who have more. We judge those who have less as not being as good or as worthy as we are. We lose the happiness and joy that might have come from their friendship and association because these thoughts cannot be hid, and we project feelings that distance us from them. The uneasiness between us is exactly what Satan hopes to achieve with these distractions, because it helps to tear down the self-esteem and good feelings of others. Meanwhile, our own self-worth is constantly damaged by comparing ourselves to those who we know have more "things, positions, or a better station in life" than we do. With both Pride and Comparison as our companions, we can never be at ease with those we feel are looking down at us in the same judgmental spirit with which we have viewed those who have less than we do.
With these spirits influencing us the only group we are at all comfortable with is our peers -- those who are also seeking to excel beyond the mark of true success. Though we find a sense of belonging among them, we find no true happiness with this group either since they, no more than we, can give full love and friendship as long as there is an air of competition, spoken or unspoken. Worse yet, we cannot be either influential or influenced in this condition because Pride prevents us from drawing close enough to anyone to let them assist us in overcoming our weaknesses. We hardly would acknowledge our faults to anyone with whom we feel this spirit of competition, let alone have them openly discuss our weaknesses with us. Nor would the spirit of Comparison, which wants us (and them) to be judgmental, allow us to receive counsel from one another. Instead, we allow our peers to flatter us, and we unduly compliment them beyond the mark, thus eliminating trust because everyone recognizes false flattery, (flattery being another great tool of the devil as it distracts us from seeing the necessary changes required for us to get back into true balance).
If we review the above chain of events, but replace the distraction of "things, position, or station in life" with attractiveness, or intelligence, or education, or athletic ability, or the like, we may be able to identify the source of distancing feelings in our own lives that make us feel uneasy around certain people or cause them to feel uncomfortable around us. We have, perhaps, accepted the companionship of evil spirits who constantly suggest that we compare ourselves to others.
Satan Generates Vexations, Both Large and Small
Another approach the adversary takes to keep us from continual spiritual growth is what I call “vexing.” He simply attempts to make our lives as miserable as possible through any kind of mental turmoil he can generate. He tries to discourage and overwhelm us with irritations, small and large, in hopes they will open us to lies about ourselves, the Lord, or others.
One ability the adversary has that he uses to vex us is blocking our thoughts. How many times have we all experienced working on something and needing to go to the shop or another room for a tool or some supplies, and then standing in wonderment when we get there over what we came there for in the first place? Of course, we can naturally lose our concentration at such a time, but it is worth checking next time to see if there may be another source of those memory lapses.
In the following story is from a woman who the adversary's vexing influence was meant to directly block her from learning truths Satan did not want understood:
'I had a personal experience of mind blockage. It happened as an acquaintance and I were studying the scriptures one morning. He had just read to me about Lazarus being raised from the dead. Just about then my telephone rang, and I went to the kitchen to answer it. Upon completion of the conversation, I returned to the living room. As I looked at him, I wondered what he was doing in the living room and, most of all, why was he holding the scriptures? I couldn't remember any of our previous discussion. My mind had been totally blocked out. He said that he had felt the adversary enter and perceived that spirits were blocking my recall. Shortly, I commanded the evil spirit to leave me, and my mind became clear and we completed our discussion.'
Vexation can take the form of any irritation that prevents us from spending our time and energy in a worthwhile manner. For instance, a spirit can bring to our memory the words of a song we have just listened to, repeating it over and over hour after hour. We would like to stop thinking of the words, yet they are there, keeping us from those things we should be concentrating upon, such as school work, or studying the scriptures. There is a modern description for this vexation now called 'Ear Worms'. Or, perhaps every time we decide to work on a particularly worthy project, we can’t locate the file (which was where it should be a few days ago). Even some incidents of “bad luck,” like always purchasing the one appliance, vehicle, or item that is faulty and needs to be returned, may be influenced by an evil source. I don’t mean to create paranoia; however, when such a pattern of disruption happens far too often to be blamed on coincidence, Satan’s hosts may be trying to wear us down, and we want to check in with Father in Heaven and see if we haven 't been doing things like pornographic involvements that have given the Devourer power.
I used to have to leave work late at night on occasions and was responsible for locking the door to the office behind me. By the time I would get to the car, I would find myself wondering whether I actually locked up. Many times I would go back and pull on the door to see if I had in fact locked it. It was always locked. Then one night, after I had gone back for the second time to check the door, the question came again. I almost went back to check it for the third time when it dawned on me what the source of this influence had to be, I understood the prompting vexation.
Another form of vexation is fear. Fear is, in many respects the opposite of faith. When we are fearful, we do not have the peace that comes with faith in an all-powerful being who is in control of our circumstances and experiences. There are many fears: fear of the unknown (such as being afraid of the dark), fear of failure, (thinking we may just not make the grade), fear of rejection (believing people may not accept us). Fear of not being enough or good enough are common roots that Satan desires to exploit within our belief systems.
Satan would have us imagine all sorts of things that are never going to happen. He places thoughts of worry, doubt, and fear in our minds. We can spend much time and energy, needlessly, if we buy into these distracting vexation, of 'What If's.
Satan also attempts to place destructive thoughts of “gloom and doom” in our minds, including fears about the future which encourage us to act hastily and defensively. By recognizing Satan’s hand in this way of thinking, we can, instead, choose faith and confidence in an all-wise and all-knowing Father, who allows experiences to come into our lives which teach, test, and try us the very best way possible during our mortal probation. He has said that we will not be given trials and temptations beyond our capacity to overcome:
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1 Cor 10:13; see also Alma 13:28 and D&C 64:20.)
Whenever we are beset with fear, it helps to ask ourselves what is the worse thing that could happen in this instance might be, then face the fear, knowing God is in charge. We will find that when we have the right attitude of submission to God’s will in faith, fear will leave. Instead of feeling afraid, we will look for the lessons to be learned in our adverse circumstance. If in fact, we do experience our worst fears, they will become our greatest growth opportunities as we face them in faith.
After explaining the worst that could happen to the prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord said:
. . . know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good. (D&C 122:7)
The final counsel the Lord then gave to the prophet is also good counsel concerning our fears:
Therefore, hold on thy way, and the priesthood shall remain with thee; for their bounds are set, they cannot pass. Thy days are known, and thy years shall not be numbered less; therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever. (D&C 122:9)
It should be clear by now that all of us have areas of our lives in which we may be deceived, distracted, snared, or vexed. Often they are the very areas in which we feel our actions are the most “justified” or the areas in which we feel hopelessly tied to bad habits, bad attitudes, or even “bad luck.” We believe Satan’s lies that we are “just that kind of person” or that life is “just that way.” Yet, as subtle and pervasive as Satan’s influence is, the Lord has provided a way for us to discover and overcome it.
7. Opens Satanic Influences & Attachment
7. Opens Satanic Influences & Attachment
We have power granted by grace through Jesus Christ’s atonement to alter our lives permanently in every way. We need to recognize the adversary's snares and move forward in faith and cast him out; then no habit or sin can hold us bound, no matter how many times we have previously given up in frustration or despair. The joy such changes can bring are particularly sweet to those who have long struggled with the darkness of serious sin, especially sin that opens us up to adversarial attachments and is defined as addictive in nature.
When it comes to drugs, violence, sexual deviance, pornography, and the like, the world has little in the way of cures to offer. Rehabilitation and support programs abound, but their ratio of radically and positively changed lives remains small. In contrast, an understanding of the effects and influences of evil spirits in these situations, and how they can be resisted and cast out through the protocols of adversarial resistance taught here, and with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, can bring about desired permanent changes, repentance, thus creating a new life. No addiction—meaning captivation, being snared, being trapped, being seduced, being enticed, being vexed—is too strong or too deep for the truth to set you free and to enjoy the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Once an improper act takes place, the completed sin opens the door to adversarial entity attachment. We are then open to additional possession by entities. Satan has more power in us, which he uses to bind us securely to our sexual sins by sending additional spirits to inspire feelings of frustration, doubt about ourselves, feelings of not being good enough, anger, despair, hopelessness, degradation, worthlessness, and so forth. These spirits try to magnify the guilt, shame, regret, and remorse that we already feel. They whisper to us that we can’t repent, that there is no hope for us now. They say that no one seems to have the answer, so how can we hope to change? There is no way to change, they tell us this is just the way I am.
These degrading spirits try to develop within us a feeling of despair, a feeling that we are lost, and a hopeless feeling that we can never overcome these things. To the extent that we believe and accept these evil thoughts and feelings, we become bound down, one thought upon another, one spirit upon another, with what the scriptures call "the chains of hell." This downward spiral will continue unabated until we obtain the knowledge, and thus the power, to free ourselves from eventual destruction.
In a letter published in a “Dear Abby” column years ago, an imprisoned child molester's words indicate how hopeless it feels for one who hasn't found this information that could set him free.
He states: ‘I am now serving a 20-year sentence in a Texas prison for a crime I committed against a 7-year-old boy in Amarillo, where I was on parole after having served time in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona for sex crimes committed on little boys from 2 years old up to 12.
I can't count the number of little boys I have violated. I know I am sick and have begged to be locked up and put away so I couldn't repeat this despicable behavior. I have had treatment, and I thought I was cured, but the first chance I got, I did the same thing over again... I hate myself the way I am. I am hopeful I will one day be able to get the kind of help I need so I will be normal and free of this terrible curse.’
This man is one of many who wants help, who needs help, but doesn't know where to go to get help. Yes, I am proposing that with ‘The Emotional Tools and Skills of Positive Mind Management to manage our minds in normal ranges, including imaginary ranges, and with ‘The Protocols of Adversarial Resistance’ this man would have the knowledge and truths to use his personal power of his own agency to be set FREE. In overcoming such problems, not only does he need to know how the entity attachments keep driving him into the same these deviant behaviors, he also needs to pray, to call upon God, and rely in faith upon his Lord and Redeemer receiving additional strength and enlightenment. Following the correct principles set forth here, and in the scriptures, he can be freed from these thoughts and feelings. He does not have to continue to live with and accept the presence of evil spirits with their unrighteous desires they are using to bind him to this behavior. The Truth will Set him FREE!
Let's take a close look at serious sin and how these principles can open a door for escape where none seemed possible. A discussion of sexual sin reveals the way all addictive sin takes hold of those individuals who yield to temptation.
Some professionals call obsession with pornography a disease. I find that the ones who come in to do therapy with me who want to claim it is a disease, are usually the ones who are looking for excuses for failure in advance to keep doing it. "It’s not my fault. What do you want me to do about it? I have this disease."
I teach them that I do not believe in addiction, at least in pornographic addiction. I ask them some questions. "Do you have to sit and look at pornography in Sacrament Meeting? You have your phone in one hand looking at pornography and you are taking the sacrament with your other hand? You just can’t help yourself; you just have to do it?"
The answer is always, "Well no, of course I wouldn’t do that."
"Well then, do you have to do it at work or at school, on your breaks or lunch hours?"
"No, of course not. I would get suspended or fired if I were caught doing those things at work."
"Well then, do you have to do it at night around your family while at the dinner table or during Family Home Evening? You just can’t control yourself. You are this out-of-control addict and you have this disease."
"No, that’s silly. I’d never do that either."
Then I explain to them that this is not an out-of-control addiction or disease kind of problem. It is a motivational problem. Why are you not as motivated to stay in control the rest of the day as much as you are in those times? Of course, the answer is that they don’t feel a sense of fear or danger of being caught in those specific times, because there would be huge consequences. Afterwards, I take them through a number of Scriptures proving that they are always in the Lord’s presence; not a hair of their head falls to the ground that our Father in Heaven doesn’t know of it. He knows all things at all times. He knows everything perfectly. There is never a time that He is not fully aware of us. It is not about him becoming more aware of us; it is about us being more aware of his awareness of us. Father in Heaven can tell you what you had for breakfast seven years ago on any day. We are never alone or out of His sight and knowledge of our thoughts and actions.
They need to fear God and His future justice upon them should they not repent and then experience the consequences of their choices and actions. Then if fear is a motivator to them, they need to know how real these consequences are and that in the end if they do not fully clear up these things there will be "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" as part of their repentance. So, I will go through a number of motivational reasons to give this up as well. We will review them again when we get to the Protocols of Adversarial Resistance.
Perhaps we could say more accurately that it is a dis-ease, a disharmony in our spirit’s mind or uneasiness in our intelligence, being in the imagination of the mind as an unrighteousness and unrepentant sin. Above all, pornography totally opens up a person's mind and body to possession by unclean spirits who want to participate in perverted acts and evil spirits who seek the person's final destruction. Like the criminals quoted above, people who have traveled far down the road in these things describe the feelings as urges that overcome them and control them: as influences that overpower them. They recognize the urges as something foreign to them, or even as coming from the pornography itself. Even though they accept the thoughts and feelings planted in them and act them out, there is the strong possibility that, had they been taught the source of such feelings and urges, they could have gained power to take control of their lives and have avoided the terrible consequences of total sin.
Most of us will admit that a murderer or serial killer could be possessed by evil spirits. Yet how did he or she descend to such a state? When did evil spirits take control of their life? And what actions on their part first allowed entities access to their mind and heart? Perhaps their path downward is not much different than the one many of us are experiencing right now, except that the murderer has already traveled to the end of the path. Perhaps they have only arrived there ahead of those of us who are still hiding our sins, who are unwilling to repent, and leave behind a path that leads solely to the destruction of ourselves and others.
Other people and therapies are worthwhile in these matters only to the extent that they help you overcome deceptions and bring you to the faith in Christ required to gain control over the adversary. Now is the time to stop deceiving yourself and to counsel with your spiritual adviser, someone who understands these principles and has the faith to assist you to bring about righteousness.
Was Bundy’s life a total waste? Maybe not. There have been many people who, upon hearing or reading this interview, have decided to change. He is having a positive effect on many, because his story helps them recognize that they are on the same road he traveled. One such young man heard the Bundy interview and wrote a compelling letter, which was read on K-Talk radio in Salt Lake City, Utah:
"It was chilling to me to read Ted Bundy’s involvement in pornography at a very young age, and how it had progressed step by step, because I see a parallel with my own life. If you knew me, you would think I was a normal person, even an exceptionally good and bright person. I have two wonderful parents who taught me right from wrong; always set a good example for me. I had brothers and sisters and nephews and nieces, all [whom I] loved. I had a good job; enjoyed all kinds of summer and winter sports, but I am what I call a pornoholic. And I hate myself for it and the things I have done. I know the total blame has to be my own, but pornography more than helped get me to where I am today and has polluted my mind with filth that I will take with me to the grave.
"...People don’t realize, speaking for myself, how much I want to stop. All I hear from others is their hate for me, and from the experts that there is no help for me. Just lock me away and throw away the key. I am a normal kid. I was never abused. I was happy. I started experimenting with masturbation when I was about 12, and found that looking at Playboy magazines was very exciting. Soon, when I was older, I had the courage to purchase my own magazines. The next big step I made was when I went to my first X-rated movie. Going from photos to moving pictures was like going to a hard-line drug. Although I have never used drugs, not even marijuana, or drank, for that matter, I can imagine what it must be like. I can understand what it must be like for alcoholics, that they have AA; I have nothing.
"I have had opportunities to marry, and I long for a normal relationship with a mature female. But not only am I afraid of ruining somebody else’s life, but after all these years...I find myself avoiding serious relationships and dating. It is much easier to go to a magazine. The problem is, it is never enough. Pornography would arouse me physically, but I had no outlet. I then started exposing myself in public to girls of all ages. It satisfied a sexual need I had. Even though I hated myself for it, I couldn’t stop. Just like Bundy, when the urge comes, it’s like an uncontrollable power takes me over, and all reason and good intention are driven away, and locked behind some great door.
"When I started fondling my nieces, I finally went to get help from a therapist who told me that they would have to report it to the police, and I agreed...Since I came forth voluntarily, I was put on probation, and required to pay a fine and do some community service. Only my family knows. But I know that I will never be the same in their eyes. It was so wonderful, finally getting it all out in the open, and starting over again, but it didn’t last. Since that time, I have continued to expose myself in public, to girls both old and young. If I tell or go for help, I will go to Jail. I will break my parents’ hearts, and hurt the people I love again, and so I keep trying to stop on my own... I have been tempted to get my hands on the real hard types of pornography, the kind that is illegal. But I have never done so, knowing inside that I would just be taking one more step, opening another Pandora’s box. After reading Ted Bundy’s words, I would be terrified to do so. And I am more committed than ever to staying away from pornography of any type.
"You wanted to know what we could possibly learn from someone like Bundy. Well, then, learn from me. I know. I know only too well. If I am a small minority, the way they say, then why is pornography such a big business? And who really knows how many are raped each year? Or how many children abused? Or how many marriages are broken up, reported and unreported, because of the influence of pornography? My heart aches for the little ones that I have offended. I am truly sorry for those I have hurt...
"Please help, people understand my words. It saddens me to hear them defend these things. They are mistaken. I am glad I will be judged by God and not men, because if I come forward, all I will receive is hate, not justice. Hate, not help. Until this changes somehow, others like myself will be afraid to come forward, and afraid if they don’t. For now, I will keep trying to stop on my own." (AFRAID AND SO ALONE--From the Nels Crenshaw show, K-TALK Radio)
8. The Slippery Slope From Pornography To Murder
8. The Slippery Slope From Pornography To Murder
I am not saying here that if you get involved in pornography you are going to become a murderer. I am also not saying that you won't! Because the slippery slope of pornography at the very end of the slide, the devil has in mind murder. He wants you to either become so discouraged, hopeless, helpless, and in despair believing there is no way out, and have you to seek relief through murdering yourself through suicide. Or they get you so desensitized from so much of it that you are at the jumping off point of where you want to do what you have been programming yourself to do by all of the pornographic involvements and you rape or start hiring prostitutes, and having affairs. If you rape or hurt others, then he prompts you to destroy the evidence, just like King David.
I feel to post the entire chapter here, so that you can understand how pornography has in fact influenced others to such a degree. Remember King David, he went from being one of the greatest warrior, prophet King's in all Israelite history and became a murder in just months after being involved viewing nudity or pornography. He had killed a lion, killed a bear, killed Goliath, and then he got involved in pornography by looking at Bathsheba naked as she bathed. He then sent for her, laid with her, he impregnated her, and you know the rest of the story, he killed her husband to hide the evidence. David became an adulterous murderer in a matter of months.
The following information is somewhat graphic but definitely makes enough teaching points I believe it is worth the time and study. Nothing short of the full truth ever makes us free or sets us free. Understanding Satan's end goal and desires for us, to have us die in our sins or murder someone else assuring our loss of exaltation such as David, is the desired end state of the devil for us. We need to understand this as one involved in pornography, and have this knowledge be an important part of our motivations to abstain from it.
Protocols of Adversarial Resistance – Chapter Three
Evil Designs – The Slippery Slope from Pornography to Murder of Yourself or Others
We have power granted by grace through Jesus Christ’s Atonement to alter our lives permanently in every way. We need to recognize the adversary's snares and move forward in faith and cast him out; then no habit or sin can hold us bound, no matter how many times we have previously given up in frustration or despair. The joy such changes can bring are particularly sweet to those who have long struggled with the darkness of serious sin, especially sin that opens us up to adversarial attachments and is defined as addictive in nature.
When it comes to drugs, violence, sexual deviance, pornography, and the like, the world has little in the way of cures to offer. Rehabilitation and support programs abound, but their ratio of radically and positively changed lives remains small. In contrast, an understanding of the effects and influences of evil spirits in these situations, and how they can be resisted and cast out through the protocols of adversarial resistance taught here, and with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, can bring about desired permanent changes, repentance, thus creating a new life. No addiction—meaning captivation, being snared, being trapped, being seduced, being enticed, being vexed—is too strong or too deep for the truth to set you free and to enjoy the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Let's take a close look at serious sin and how these principles can open a door for escape where none seemed possible. A discussion of sexual sin reveals the way all addictive sin takes hold of those individuals who yield to temptation.
Sexual Sin as a Type for All Satanic Induced, Enticed Sin
The sacred power of procreation has been freely given to all here on the earth. As with other gifts from God, its use is governed by our agency. God allows us to decide what we will do with this sacred power and with our bodies. However, because this power is good, and because it is used to provide physical bodies for God’s spirit children, the Lord has placed strict laws upon its use. The misuse of our procreative power is a sin in the eyes of God, second only to that of murder. (See Book of Mormon | Alma 39:5.)
It is also one of the most grievous sins to be borne and one of the most difficult to repent of. Adultery, fornication, and other sexual sins are devastating to the individual, to his or her family, and to all parties involved. Satan knows that if he can entice us into inappropriate sexual behavior, he can break down our natural inhibitions to all kinds of sin. In order to get men and women into such a condition that they would misuse the powers of procreation and tamper with the fountain of life. Satan wages an especially sophisticated campaign of deception. Via radio, TV, movies, magazines, books and every other form of media, he sends a subtle but powerful message that because sexual feelings and drives are natural, they can be expressed between consenting individuals without commitment or consequence. Through a never-ending bombardment of "belief system scripting" messages in the media, he works diligently to break down the marriage covenant, to nullify the sacredness of the home, and to undermine the strength of the family. Satan, of course, knows that accepted thoughts amplified in our imagination generate emotions, and emotions are the motivation for action. The more he can keep our minds filled with unrighteous imaginary thoughts about sex, the more imaginary amplification of our emotions, and the stronger our inappropriate arousal. If we give way to acting out on those imaginations, it then gives devils their affect with us. His control of us increases as we accept these thoughts as our own and fantasize them. These unworthy imaginings are then further compounded by the influence of evil spirits attaching to us and urging us to act in accordance with our new deviant thinking. Again, they know that thoughts generate emotions and our emotions are the motivations to action. At every opportunity they are bombarding us with some intrusive fiery dart of curious, lustful, sensual stimulus.
Once an improper act takes place, the completed sin opens the door to adversarial entity attachment. We are then open to additional possession by entities. Satan has more power in us, which he uses to bind us securely to our sexual sins by sending additional spirits to inspire feelings of frustration, doubt about ourselves, feelings of not being good enough, anger, despair, hopelessness, degradation, worthlessness, and so forth. These spirits try to magnify the guilt, shame, regret, and remorse that we already feel. They whisper to us that we can’t repent, that there is no hope for us now. They say that no one seems to have the answer, so how can we hope to change? There is no way to change, they tell us this is just the way I am.
These degrading spirits try to develop within us a feeling of despair, a feeling that we are lost, and a hopeless feeling that we can never overcome these things. To the extent that we believe and accept these evil thoughts and feelings, we become bound down, one thought upon another, one spirit upon another, with what the scriptures call "the chains of hell." This downward spiral will continue unabated until we obtain the knowledge, and thus the power, to free ourselves from eventual destruction.
In a letter published in a “Dear Abby” column years ago, an imprisoned child molester's words indicate how hopeless it feels for one who hasn't found this information that could set him free.
He states: ‘I am now serving a 20-year sentence in a Texas prison for a crime I committed against a 7year-old boy in Amarillo, where I was on parole after having served time in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona for sex crimes committed on little boys from 2 years old up to 12.
I can't count the number of little boys I have violated. I know I am sick and have begged to be locked up and put away so I couldn't repeat this despicable behavior. I have had treatment, and I thought I was cured, but the first chance I got, I did the same thing over again... I hate myself the way I am. I am hopeful I will one day be able to get the kind of help I need so I will be normal and free of this terrible curse.’
This man is one of many who wants help, who needs help, but doesn't know where to go to get help. Yes, I am proposing that with Spiritual Mind Management books information to manage our minds in normal ranges and ‘The Emotional Tools and Skills of Positive Mind Management to manage our minds in imagination amplified ranges, and with ‘The Protocols of Adversarial Resistance’ this man would have the knowledge and truths to use his personal power of his own agency to repent and be set FREE. In overcoming such problems, not only does he need to know how the entity attachments keep driving him into the same deviant behaviors, he also needs to pray, to call upon God, and rely in faith upon his Lord and Redeemer receiving additional strength and enlightenment. Following the correct principles set forth here, and in the scriptures, he can be freed from these thoughts and feelings. He does not have to continue to live with and accept the presence of evil spirits with their unrighteous desires they are using to bind him to this behavior. The Truth will Set him FREE!
Pornography is One of Satan's Most Devastating Tools
As with all sin, Satan uses sexual sin to introduce further deviance and to lead us on to more serious related sins. It is becoming more and more evident that one of the deadliest influences of evil spirits, one which leads many to their downfall, is pornography. I personally believe it is a starting source to suicide with youth.
Pornography begins on a level that does not appear to be particularly harmful. However, a path is entered where more exciting material is constantly needed to attain the same mental and emotional high, as well as physical levels of arousal, until inhibitions are dropped, and repulsive acts are committed. Consider the patterns that are evident in the following excerpts from the personal accounts of two well-known serial murderers.
A letter from a convicted child molester/murderer to his bishop describes clearly the step-by-step path to destruction initiated by pornography:
“During my trial, Dr. Victor Cline testified about the adverse effects of pornography. As I listened to his explanations, I could discern how my own life corresponded to these consequences. He stated that as people became addicted to it, their desires escalate, their normal feelings become desensitized, and they tend to act out what they have seen. So, it was with me. I am a homosexual pedophile convicted of murder and pornography was a determining factor in my downfall.
“Such materials would temporarily satisfy my cravings, but soon I would need pictures that were more explicit and revealing. Some of the material I received was shocking and disgusting at first, but it shortly became commonplace and acceptable...
“As I continued to digress further into my perverted behavior, more stimulation was necessary to maintain the same level of excitement. Finding and procuring sexually arousing materials became an obsession. For me, seeing pornography was like lighting a fuse on a stick of dynamite; I became stimulated and had to gratify my urges or explode... “All boys became mere sexual objects, their only purpose being to heighten and intensify my sensual feelings. My conscience was desensitized, and my sexual appetite entirely controlled my actions. The day came when I invited a small neighborhood boy into my apartment, molested him, and then killed him in fear of being caught. Over the next few years “I kidnapped, sexually abused, and murdered four other boys.
“Pornography wasn't the only negative influence in my life, but its effect on me was devastating. I lost all sense of decency and respect for humanity and life, and I would do anything or take any risk to fulfill my deviant desires. If pornographic material would have been unavailable to me in my early stages, it is most probable that my sexual activities would not have escalated to the degree they did.”
Note that when in the grip of these evil spirits promoting pornographic involvements, this man describes feelings of being totally out of control: “I had to gratify my urges or explode.” “My sexual appetite entirely controlled my actions.” Yet, when not under the influence of these dark spirits, his own spirit would surface, and he would recognize that what he was doing was wrong. This split in character is typical of people who have spirits influencing them strongly toward pornography. One side of them (the real them) hates what they’re doing and deplores the evil deeds, the evil desires, and the abuse of another human being. Yet, when the other side of them (the demonic spirits) takes control, they go ahead and perform repulsive acts when the opportunity arises, in spite of their guilt. Although they recognize the war that is going on within them, these people are experiencing an eternal battle that is real, that they have not been taught yet how to win.
Ted Bundy's Last Interview
Now let's look at the story of Ted Bundy who was executed for the murder of a number of women and girls. (The highest estimate I’ve heard is 128.) Before his execution he requested one last interview to let people know what had gone wrong in his life. Given to Dr. James Dobson of the Focus on the Family organization. It is a sad tale of a bright and capable young man being slowly and carefully led down the path of destruction. Dr. Dobson (DD); Ted Bundy (TB).
DD: Ted, how did it happen? Take me back. What are the antecedents of the behavior that we have seen that caused so much grief, so much sorrow, so much pain for so many people? Where did it start? How did this moment come about?
TB: That's the question of the hour, and one that not only people much more intelligent than I have been working on for years, but one that I have been working on for years, trying to understand. Is there enough time to explain it all? I don't know. I think I understand it though; understand what happened to me, to the extent that I could see how certain feelings and ideas developed in me to the point where I began to act out on them, certain very violent and very destructive feelings.
DD: Let's go back, then, to those roots. First of all you, as I understand it, were raised in what you considered to have been a healthy home. You were not physically abused. You were not sexually abused. You were not emotionally abused.
TB: No way. That is part of the tragedy of this whole situation, is because I grew up in a wonderful home with two dedicated, loving parents, one of five brothers and sisters. A home where we as children [were] the focus of my parents' lives, where we regularly attended church. True, Christian parents who did not drink, did not smoke. There was no gambling; there was no physical abuse or fighting in the home. I am not saying this was "Leave it to Beaver."
DD: They weren't a perfect home?
TB: No, I don't know that such a home exists. But it was a fine, solid Christian home, and I hope no one will try to take the easy way out and to try to blame, or otherwise accuse my family, of contributing to this. Because I know, and I am trying to tell you, as honestly as I know how, what happened, and I think this is the message that I want to get across. That as a young boy, and I mean a boy of 12 or 13, certainly, that I encountered outside the home, again in the local grocery store, the local drug store, the soft-core pornography, what people call soft-core. But as I think I explained to you last night, Dr. Dobson, in an anecdote, that as young boys we do explore the back roads and sideways and byways of our neighborhood, and often-time people would dump the garbage, and whatever they are cleaning out of their house, and from time to time we would come across pornographic books of a harder nature; more graphic, more explicit [in] nature than we would encounter at, say, the local grocery store...
DD: Those that involved violence then?
TB Yes. This is something I think that I want to emphasize is the most damaging kind of pornography. And again, I am talking from personal experience, had real personal experience. The most damaging kinds of pornography are those that involve violence and sexual violence, because the weighting of those two forces, as I know only too well, brings about behavior that is just too terrible to describe. DD: Now, walk me through that. What was going on in your mind at the time?
TB: Before we go any further, I think it is important to me, and the people to believe what I am saying, to tell you that I am not blaming pornography. I am not saying that it caused me to go out and do certain things. And I take full responsibility for whatever I have done and all the things that I have done. That is not the question here. The question and the issue is how this kind of literature contributed and helped mold and shape the kinds of violent behavior.
DD: It fueled your fantasies, didn't it?
TB: In the beginning, it fuels this kind of thought process. Then at a certain time, it is instrumental in what I would say crystallizing; making into something which is almost like a separate entity inside. And at that point you are at the verge, or I was at the verge of acting out on these kinds of things. (Note: What could this "crystallizing", "separate entity inside," represent?)
DD: Now, I really want to understand that. You had gone about as far as you could go in your own fantasy life with printed materials, and video or film photos and what have you, and then there was the urge to take that little step (or big step) over to a physical event?
TB: It happens, it happened, in stages, gradually. It doesn't necessarily, not to me, at least, happen overnight. My experience with, say, pornography generally, but [specifically] with pornography that deals on a violent level with sexuality, is that once you become addicted to it, and I look at this as kind of an addiction like other kinds of addiction, I would keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic...
DD: More aggressive?
TB ...kinds of material. Like an addiction, you keep craving something which is harder, harder, something which gives you a greater sense of excitement. Until you reach the point where the pornography only goes so far. You reach that jumping-off point where you begin to wonder {Notice the "line-upon-line" thought degeneration} if maybe actually doing it will give you that which is beyond just reading about it or looking at it. (Do we see Ted going down the path—being led "carefully," as it were?) DD: How long did you stay at that point before you actually assaulted someone?
TB: I would say a couple of years. And what I was dealing with there was very strong inhibitions against criminal behavior, or violent behavior, that had been conditioned into me, bred into me, in my environment, in my neighborhood, in my church, in my school; things which said "no," this is wrong. I mean, even to think of it is wrong, but certainly to do it is wrong, and I am on that edge; and you might say the last vestiges of restraints, the barriers to actually doing something, were being tested constantly (Is this a good definition of temptations?) and assailed through the kind of fantasy life that was fueled largely by pornography.
DD: Do you remember what pushed you over that edge? Do you remember the decision to go for it? Do you remember when you decided to throw caution to the wind?
TB: Again, when you say pushed, I know what you are saying. I don't want to refer again that I was a helpless kind of a victim.
DD: I understand.
TB: And yet, we are talking about an influence that is the influence of violent types of media and violent pornography, which had an indispensable link in the chain of behavior, of the chain of events, (interesting that he uses the word chains) that led to the behavior—to the assaults, to the murders, and what have you. It is a very difficult thing to describe. The sensation of reaching that point where I knew, it's like, say, "something snapped" that I knew that I couldn't control anymore; that these barriers that I had learned as a child had been instilled in me were not enough to hold me back with respect to seeking out and harming somebody.
DD: Would it be accurate to call that a frenzy, a sexual frenzy?
TB: Well, yes, that's one way to describe it, a compulsion, a building up of this destructive energy. Again, another fact here that I haven't mentioned is the use of alcohol, (Note: Did alcohol finally remove his own spirit's ability to control the evil spirits which he already had? Was it the last straw, so to speak?) but I think what alcohol did, in conjunction with, say, my exposure to pornography, was that alcohol reduces my inhibitions at the same time. The fantasy life that was fueled by pornography eroded them further.
DD: In the early days you were nearly always about half drunk when you did these things. Was that right?
TB: Yes.
DD: If I can understand it now, there is this battle going on within. There are the conventions that you have been taught. There is the right and wrong that you learned as a child. There is the unbridled passion, fueled by your plunge into hard core violent pornography and those things are at war with each other. (Is this the good versus evil in us?)
TB: Yes.
DD: And then, with the alcohol diminishing the inhibitions, you let go.
TB: Well, yes. And you can summarize it that way and that is accurate, certainly. And it just occurred to me that some people would say that well, I've seen that stuff and it doesn't do anything to me, and I can understand that. Virtually everyone can be exposed to so-called pornography, and while they are aroused to it in one way or another, and not do anything wrong.
DD: Now, addictions are like that. They affect some people more than they affect others. But there is a percentage of people affected by hard-core pornography in a very violent way, and you are obviously one of them.
TB: That was a major component, and I don't know why I was vulnerable to it. All I know is that it had an impact on me that was just so central to the development of the violent behavior that I engaged in. DD: Ted, after you committed your first murder, what was the emotional effect on you? What happened in the days after that?
TB: Again, please understand that even all these years later it is very difficult to talk about it, and re-living it through talking about it is difficult, to say the least. But I want you to understand what happened. It was like coming out of some kind of horrible trance or dream. I can only liken it to, I don't want to over-dramatize it, but to have been possessed by something so awful and so alien, (Is this not the truth as spoken out of the abundance of the heart?) and then the next morning wake up from it, remember what happened, and realize that basically in the eyes of the law, certainly in the eyes of God, you are responsible. To wake up in the morning and realize what I had done, and with a clear mind, in all my essential moral and ethical feelings intact at that moment, absolutely horrified that I was capable of doing something like that.
DD: You really hadn't known that before?
TB: There is just absolutely no way to describe first the brutal urge to do that kind of thing and then what happens is, once it has been more or less satisfied and recedes, you might say, or spent, [in the] sense that energy level recedes and basically, I became myself again. (If he wasn't himself—what was he? Or who was he?) I want people to understand this too, and I am not saying this prudishly because it is important that people understand this. That basically, I was a normal person. I wasn't some guy hanging out in bars, or a bum. I wasn't a pervert, in the sense that people look at somebody, and say "I know there is something wrong with him, and you can tell." I was essentially a normal person. I had good friends. I led a normal life, except for this one small, but very potent, and very destructive segment of it, that I kept very secret, very close to myself, and didn't let anybody know about it. And part of the shock and horror from my dear friends and family years ago, when I was first arrested, was that there was just no clue. They looked at me and they looked at the all-American boy. I mean, I wasn't perfect, but I was okay—I was. The basic humanity, the basic spirit that God gave me was intact, but unfortunately, became overwhelmed at times, (What is he saying here?) and people need to recognize that. Those of us who are, who have been so much influenced by violence in the media, in particular pornographic violence, are not some kind of inherent monsters. We are your sons, and we are your husbands, and we grew up in regular families. And pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my home 20, 30 years ago. And as diligent as my parents were, and they were diligent, and protecting their children as good a Christian home as we had, and we had a wonderful Christian home, there is no protection against the kind of influences that are loose in a society that tolerates ...
DD: You feel this really deeply, don't you? Ted, outside these walls right now there are several hundred reporters that wanted to talk to you. And you asked me to come here from California because you had something you wanted to say. This hour that we have together is not just an interview with a man that is scheduled to die tomorrow morning. I am here, and you are here, because of this message that you are talking about right
here. You really feel that hard-core pornography, and the doorway to it, softcore pornography, is doing untold damage to other people in causing other women to be abused and killed the way you did others?
TB: Yes. I am no social scientist, and I haven't done a survey. I don't pretend that I know what John Q. Citizen thinks about this, but I have lived in prison for a long time now, and I have met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me, and without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography. Without question, without exception, deeply influenced, and consumed by addiction to pornography. There is no question about it. The FBI's own study on serial homicide shows that the most common interest among serial killers is pornography...
What scares me, and let's come into the present now, because what I am talking about happened 20, 30 years ago, that is, in my formative stages. And what scares and appalls me, Dr. Dobson, is what I see, what is on cable TV. Some of the movies, I mean, some of the violence in the movies that come into the homes today, with stuff that they wouldn't show in X-rated adult theaters 30 years ago. This stuff...
DD: The slasher movies, which you are talking about?
TB: That stuff, I am telling you, from personal experience, the most that is graphic violence on screen, particularly as it gets into the home to children who may be unattended or unaware, that they may be a Ted Bundy; [with] that vulnerability; the predisposition to be influenced by that kind of behavior, by that kind of a movie, that kind of violence. There are kids sitting out there, switching the TV dial around, and come upon these movies, late at night, or I don't know when they are on, but they are on, and any kid can watch them. It's scary, when I think what would have happened to me, if I had seen, I am scary enough. I mean, I just ran into stuff outside the home, but to know that children are watching that kind of thing today, or can pick up their phone and dial away for it or send away for it...
DD: Can you help me understand this desensitization process that took place? What was going on in your mind? TB: By desensitization, I describe it in specific terms, is that each time I harm someone, each time I would kill someone, there would be an enormous amount, especially at first, an enormous amount of horror, guilt, remorse afterwards. But then that impulse to do it again would come back even stronger. (Did he take on more spirits each time?) Now, believe me, I didn't...the unique thing about how this worked, Dr. Dobson, is that I still felt in my regular life the full range of guilt and remorse about other things, regret and...
DD: But you had this compartmentalized?
TB: Compartmentalized very well. Focused very sharply, focused [into an] area where it was like a black hole. It was like a crack and everything that fell into the crack just disappeared. Does that make sense?
DD: Do you deserve the punishment the state is inflicting upon you?
TB: That's a very good question. And I'll answer it very honestly. I don't want to die. I am not going to kid you. I'll kid you not. I deserve certainly the most extreme punishment society has. And I deserve, I think society deserves, to be protected from me and from others like me, that is for sure. I think what hope will come from our discussion is that I think that society deserves to be protected from itself, because as we have been talking, there are forces at loose in this country, particularly again, this kind of violent pornography, where on the one hand, well meaning, decent people will condemn behavior of a Ted Bundy, while they are walking past a magazine rack full of the very kinds of things that send young kids down the road to be Ted Bundies. That is the irony. We are talking here, not just about more, what I am talking about is going beyond retribution, which is what people want with me. Going beyond retribution and punishment, because there is no way in the world that killing me is going to restore those beautiful children to their parents, and correct and soothe the pain. But I'll tell you, there are lots of other kids playing in the streets around this country, they who are going to be dead tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and next month, because other young people are reading the kinds of things and seeing the kinds of things, that are available in the media today.
Is Satan real? Ted apparently never did consciously give Satan the credit for those overwhelming, “crystalizing” urges that caused his personal spirit’s control to finally “snap.” But can there be any doubt in our minds that Satan was the source of these destructive urges? Yet, most people don’t acknowledge the adversary as the source of such problems. Even though Ted Bundy grew up in a “good Christian home,” he obviously wasn’t fully equipped to understand what was happening to him, how to reject the injected fiery darts of temptations and how to combat inappropriate arousals. He should have been taught to have faith in Jesus Christ and how to use his holy name to additionally control those spirits, those urges; had he understood what he was dealing with from the start, his life and many other lives would be different today. Unfortunately, far too few of us receive the instruction in this area that is needed because the Christian world in general is ignorant of the correct principles governing power over Satan. Learning to manage our minds correctly is a big deal.
Using Faith to Overcome Captivating Sin
How can someone who has progressed so far down an evil path begin to place faith in Jesus Christ? How can someone out of control in any sin start the process of change? For some, the catalyst may have to be the intervention of a friend or loved one. But whether a serious sinner seeks change on his or her own or whether a concerned party intervenes, the same basic process takes place. There first needs to be a desire to change. They might need to be asked questions that would help them identify what their own spirit feels. The voice or spirit that deplores what they are doing, that dislikes the wicked involvements they have had. The spirit that is crying out to be free from these involvements is their true spirit, and such feelings indicate that they have a desire to change-no matter how weak or small that voice is. If they were totally evil, that is, if their own spirit was totally evil, there would not be any part of them that would deplore their repulsive behavior. They would be in such a state that they of themselves would do these acts independently, without being possessed or influenced by any other evil spirits. On such persons the devil lays claim and says that "he doth seal them his;" indeed, the people who get into that state are his.
However, people who have not yet reached that state typically recognize that they have done wrong, that they have committed sin, and they want to change. They just do not understand how to get control of the situation. When evil or unclean spirits move in upon them, they willingly perform whatever debased acts they are prompted to do; they may even seem to find those acts pleasurable or desirable at the time. But, when an evil act is finished, when they withdraw from the situation, their true spirit comes to the forefront and they are overcome with guilt, resentment, remorse, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, helplessness, despair, and so forth. Once such people recognize that the good surfacing in them is the real person and once they feel and appreciate the good in them that deplores the awful actions, they can begin learning how to discern and obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit or the good spirit. They will be able to cast out other spirits or feelings, feeling by feeling, spirit by spirit. One after another, the chains of hell must be broken. We sometimes struggle for years with sins which have become habits. Follow the sometimes-subtle influence of the adversary in the life of the individual in this story. Your sins (habits) may be different but see if the ultimate conclusion might not be the same.
The Time to Overcome Pornography Is Now
Now consider the awful downward spiral of Bundy and Bishop and join me in pondering a few questions about what we’ve discussed thus far. It may help to read the confessions of people like Ted Bundy, and to grasp the solution to their problems fairly clearly, but we need to look at our own lives or those of people we know who have problems with pornography and apply the same lessons.
How could Ted Bundy’s life have been different, if he could have fully understood Satan’s deceits, and the compounding influences of evil spirits? But more importantly how would all of the lives of his victims have been different?
What if someone had taken the time to teach him how to control the evil spirits that tormented him; to overcome his initial deviant urges and ongoing Satanic attacks with such powerful influences? What if these destructive behaviors could have been stopped and turned around at an early stage?
Some professionals call obsession with pornography a disease. I find that the ones who come in to do therapy with me who want to claim it is a disease, are usually the ones who are looking for excuses for failure in advance to keep doing it.
"It’s not my fault. What do you want me to do about it? I have this disease." I teach them that I do not believe in addiction, at least in pornographic addiction. I ask them some questions. "Do you have to sit and look at pornography in Sacrament Meeting? You have your phone in one hand looking at pornography and you are taking the sacrament with your other hand? You just can’t help yourself; you just have to do it?" The answer is always, "Well no, of course I wouldn’t do that." "Well then, do you have to do it at work or at school, on your breaks or lunch hours?"
"No, of course not. I would get suspended or fired if I were caught doing those things at work." "Well then, do you have to do it at night around your family while at the dinner table or during Family Home Evening? You just can’t control yourself. You are this out-of-control addict and you have this disease." "No, that’s silly. I’d never do that either."
Then I explain to them that this is not an out of control addiction or disease kind of problem. It is a motivational problem. Why are you not as motivated to stay in control the rest of the day as much as you are in those times? Of course, the answer is that they don’t feel a sense of fear or danger of being caught in those specific times, because there would be huge consequences. Afterwards, I take them through a number of Scriptures proving that they are always in the Lord’s presence; not a hair of their head falls to the ground that our Father in Heaven doesn’t know of it. He knows all things at all times. He knows everything perfectly. There is never a time that He is not fully aware of us. It is not about him becoming more aware of us; it is about us being more aware of his awareness of us. Father in Heaven can tell you what you had for breakfast seven years ago on any day. We are never alone or out of His sight and knowledge of our thoughts and actions. They need to fear God and His future justice upon them should they not repent and then experience the consequences of their choices and actions. Then if fear is a motivator to them, they need to know how real these consequences are and that in the end if they do not fully clear up these things there will be "weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth" as part of their repentance. So, I will go through a number of motivational reasons to give this up as well. We will review them again when we get to the Protocols of Adversarial Resistance.
Perhaps we could say more accurately that it is a dis-ease, a disharmony in our spirit’s mind or uneasiness in our intelligence, being in the imagination of the mind as an unrighteousness and unrepentant sin. Above all, pornography totally opens up a person's mind and body to possession by unclean spirits who want to participate in perverted acts and evil spirits who seek the person's final destruction. Like the criminals quoted above, people who have traveled far down the road in these things describe the feelings as urges that overcome them and control them: as influences that overpower them. They recognize the urges as something foreign to them, or even as coming from the pornography itself. Even though they accept the thoughts and feelings planted in them and act them out, there is the strong possibility that, had they been taught the source of such feelings and urges, they could have gained power to take control of their lives and have avoided the terrible consequences of total sin.
Most of us will admit that a murderer or serial killer could be possessed by evil spirits. Yet how did he or she descend to such a state? When did evil spirits take control of their life? And what actions on their part first allowed entities access to their mind and heart? Perhaps their path downward is not much different than the one many of us are experiencing right now, except that the murderer has already traveled to the end of the path. Perhaps they have only arrived there ahead of those of us who are still hiding our sins, who are unwilling to repent, and leave behind a path that leads solely to the destruction of ourselves and others.
Other people and therapies are worthwhile in these matters only to the extent that they help you overcome deceptions and bring you to the faith in Christ required to gain control over the adversary. Now is the time to stop deceiving yourself and to counsel with your spiritual advisor, someone who understands these principles and has the faith to assist you to bring about righteousness.
Was Bundy’s life a total waste? Maybe not. There have been many people who, upon hearing or reading this interview, have decided to change. He is having a positive effect on many, because his story helps them recognize that they are on the same road he traveled. One such young man heard the Bundy interview and wrote a compelling letter, which was read on K-Talk radio in Salt Lake City, Utah: "It was chilling to me to read Ted Bundy’s involvement in pornography at a very young age, and how it had progressed step by step, because I see a parallel with my own life. If you knew me, you would think I was a normal person, even an exceptionally good and bright person. I have two wonderful parents who taught me right from wrong; always set a good example for me. I had brothers and sisters and nephews and nieces, all [whom I] loved. I had a good job; enjoyed all kinds of summer and winter sports, but I am what I call a porno-holic. And I hate myself for it and the things I have done. I know the total blame has to be my own, but pornography more than helped get me to where I am today and has polluted my mind with filth that I will take with me to the grave.
"...People don’t realize, speaking for myself, how much I want to stop. All I hear from others is their hate for me, and from the experts that there is no help for me. Just lock me away and throw away the key. I am a normal kid. I was never abused. I was happy. I started experimenting with masturbation when I was about 12, and found that looking at Playboy magazines was very exciting. Soon, when I was older, I had the courage to purchase my own magazines. The next big step I made was when I went to my first X-rated movie. Going from photos to moving pictures was like going to a hardline drug. Although I have never used drugs, not even marijuana, or drank, for that matter, I can imagine what it must be like. I can understand what it must be like for alcoholics, that they have AA; I have nothing. "I have had opportunities to marry, and I long for a normal relationship with a mature female. But not only am I afraid of ruining somebody else’s life, but after all these years...I find myself avoiding serious relationships and dating. It is much easier to go to a magazine. The problem is, it is never enough. Pornography would arouse me physically, but I had no outlet. I then started exposing myself in public to girls of all ages. It satisfied a sexual need I had. Even though I hated myself for it, I couldn’t stop. Just like Bundy, when the urge comes, it’s like an uncontrollable power takes me over, and all reason and good intention are driven away, and locked behind some great door.
"When I started fondling my nieces, I finally went to get help from a therapist who told me that they would have to report it to the police, and I agreed...Since I came forth voluntarily, I was put on probation, and required to pay a fine and do some community service. Only my family knows. But I know that I will never be the same in their eyes. It was so wonderful, finally getting it all out in the open, and starting over again, but it didn’t last. Since that time, I have continued to expose myself in public, to girls both old and young. If I tell or go for help, I will go to Jail. I will break my parents’ hearts, and hurt the people I love again, and so I keep trying to stop on my own... I have been tempted to get my hands on the real hard types of pornography, the kind that is illegal. But I have never done so, knowing inside that I would just be taking one more step, opening another Pandora’s box. After reading Ted Bundy’s words, I would be terrified to do so. And I am more committed than ever to staying away from pornography of any type.
"You wanted to know what we could possibly learn from someone like Bundy. Well, then, learn from me. I know. I know only too well. If I am a small minority, the way they say, then why is pornography such a big business? And who really knows how many are raped each year? Or how many children abused? Or how many marriages are broken up, reported and unreported, because of the influence of pornography? My heart aches for the little ones that I have offended. I am truly sorry for those I have hurt...
"Please help, people understand my words. It saddens me to hear them defend these things. They are mistaken. I am glad I will be judged by God and not men, because if I come forward, all I will receive is hate, not justice. Hate, not help. Until this changes somehow, others like myself will be afraid to come forward, and afraid if they don’t. For now, I will keep trying to stop on my own." (AFRAID AND SO ALONE--From the Nels Crenshaw show, K-TALK Radio) We are proposing that we have the answers that this young man needed and may still need. We are teaching them here in this book.
As individuals, we can do much to help this situation. We can be our brother’s keeper; we can be a shoulder to cry on, a friend to pray with, and a teacher of truth. When we are involved with people who have become so possessed as to be losing control in these areas, both the afflicted person and we should understand that ultimately the real problem is with Satan, not with the individual. We must be able to separate the sins from the sinner. To do our Christian duty, we must love the sinner while hating the sin. We can hate the actions but must remember that these are our brothers and sisters. They originally chose Jesus Christ’s implementation of the plan. That’s why they’re here. Christ died for them as well as for us. He can pull them through these things.
What is the difference in any addiction? A drug or alcohol addict who has just been through treatment has had all of the drugs and alcohol removed from their bodies physical systems. At that point, can it be attributed to the elements themselves, or is it only in the minds and hearts of the individual? What is the difference at the point of being chemically free, between a drug addict and a gambling addict and a pornography addict? What is it that prompts, urges, and entices until one gives up his agency of conscience and proper choice and allows control of himself by these influences? I submit that the drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling etc. are not the root of the problem, as society views it, but are the outward manifestations of the inner turmoil caused by thoughts and actions which are compounded by the constant influence of evil spirits. Do we see the desensitization, crystallization, and compartmentalization of each of these addictive processes as being the same path downward, just with a different entry of accepted enticement allowing the attachments?
There are two parts to what we are teaching here in freeing individuals from Satanic influences. The first one being promoted the most here is a system of resisting the devil and having them flee from us. These processes are what is being called ‘Protocols of Adversarial Resistance’, described in detail in the next chapter. I believe we are to utilize the agency we have already been given first, deciding to repent and make new choices that are right, true, and correct for us. This is the way the Lord has taught me how to assist clients without crossing the line into priest craft. Priest craft would be to give priesthood blessings, using Temple kinds of things, and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to cast out devils for others, and charging them sessions fees while doing it. In other words, I’d be charging money to eradicate evil spirit entities from their lives and setting myself up as a necessary source in their life creating dependencies. I would be setting myself up as a Light instead of illuminating correct principles, doctrine, and knowledge that is power in these things that an individual can learn to do for themselves. I am simply acting as facilitator or teacher of such knowledge. There are those who go around and cast out evil spirits and get paid for doing so. This is where some so-called energy work crosses the line, because people become dependent upon another person for their mental, spiritual, and physical well-being or blessings. Everything when done correctly in the gospel is to bring a person to independence, self-reliance, and bring them to Christ for additional blessings.
The second part is to assist others to develop faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and begin to cast out these urges, cravings, and desires from themselves, through faith in the power and use of His holy name. I believe that there is a literalness in the scripture which says that there is “no other name under heaven whereby men can be saved,” or whereby you can be brought out of these possessions if you will receive it. Rely on Him who is mighty to save. Repent of your wrong doings; cleanse them from your minds and bodies; fill your souls with the light and truth of Jesus Christ, and through faith you will overcome all things. He is the way, the truth and the light, of how to truly be free of carnal, sensual and devilish captivation's. Gain control of your life as you gain control of the urges given you by Satan. Follow the example of our Lord and tell him to “Get thee hence, Satan.” Other solutions given to these attachment problems may be helpful, but any solution which does not involve sufficiently resisting the devil and having faith in the Lord, and the use of His name in controlling the adversities of one's life, will bring but temporary or dependent results. To be truly free and independent of the influences of this world, is to be dependent on the One who overcame all things and made it possible for us to do the same.
We sometimes struggle for years with sins which have become habits. Follow, if you can, the subtle influence of the adversary in the life of the individual in this story. Your sins (habits) may be different but see if the ultimate conclusion might not be the same.
‘In my youth, it seemed as though devils wished to destroy me, and on two occasions take my life. These were not to be the end of their taunting’s.
As I became a young man, I fell into one of youth's follies, only to have Satan turn it into the most repulsive and shameful habit one could have. It seems from one night of awakening, to the many years that followed, I would be enslaved to this habit. A habit which would grow into another and later to destroy my marriage, my business, and my salvation. For many years, I tried to control this habit. I often confessed to the proper church authorities. But later, after time, I would give in again. To help myself understand the basis for my struggle and try to look inward to find an escape, I have chosen to write this record. My hopes are, for anyone who reads this, that they will understand, and not condemn me for the things I have done.
My bedroom was shared by two of my brothers. I remember many nights when I was scared and couldn't sleep. I would try to sleep with my older brother, but he would get upset with me, and wouldn't let me. I would lay in my bed and see images in the room. I remember having a hard time going into the seventh grade. There were so many new faces and things were so different. I had a hard time making new friends and holding on to the old ones. It all seemed so confusing. We moved into a rented house in a small subdivision, across from the old elementary school. School let out and the work began.
It was during this busy summer and while living in the rented house, I became of age and began to experience one of life's processes. At first, I didn't understand the biological nature, and functions of my body. I didn't know this act could make me a slave for many years to come. I awoke in the middle of a wet dream and masturbated for the first time in my life. It was exciting and felt good. I had never experienced anything like it before. I continued to experiment and learn more about what was going on with my body. It wasn't until a few months later, I began to consider that this could be wrong. I had feelings I shouldn't be doing it. It wasn't until a couple of years later, I learned it had a name. By then, I was hooked. I didn't know what to do. I tried to quit for the first time and ended up spending the next 21 years trying to stop. I had formed a habit, and it seemed like I was always going to just do it one more time and then quit. Little did I know; Satan would just whisper in my head that one more time is all right. You can quit tomorrow. It's o.k., one more time won't matter. At this point, I often wish I could have gone to my father or mother and told them. But I was too embarrassed.
Well, soon it was summer again and I had not quit. I was finding a new stimulation to go along with my habit. This was to be the forerunner of my pornography habit. One day I was thumbing through the Sears catalog and came to the women's underwear section; it really caught my attention. Seeing them stand there in their underwear was a marvelous turn on. Soon I began to masturbate while looking at these pictures. I began to hide the catalog in my room. One afternoon, I was engaged in my habit, and my older brother walked into the room. I was never so embarrassed in my life. I quickly stopped and tried to hide it, but he knew what was going on. He shamed me and ridiculed me. He became very angry with me. I didn't understand why he would be so mad. This experience only served to convince me to tell no one. I had a problem and didn't want to be yelled at because of it. I was more careful from that point on, never to get caught again.
My confusion and frustration only began to deepen after that experience. I was determined to quit. But Satan would come again. He knew I was vulnerable and confused. I would lay in bed at night trying to go to sleep. Satan would come and not let me doze off. I would now begin to use my habit to go to sleep at night. All I had to do was to masturbate, and sleep would come immediately. I remember many nights lying in bed and wishing I had someone with whom I could talk. In my mind I would cry.
In the tenth grade while at the neighbor's, playing, in the field behind their house, we found several porno magazines. The effect was tremendous, and I hid one of them away in the barn. I would go there and masturbate, looking at this magazine. I can to this day still see the pictures in my mind. When I was 16, I washed dishes at a restaurant. I would leave for work a little early, just so I could go to the store and look at the magazines in the racks. The true detective and confession magazines were the best. They would always have pictures of women half-dressed and I could never get enough. It seemed to be where I was headed, never to get enough. I visited with many church authorities and tried to get help over a period of twenty years. Finally, I found someone who could help.
The bishop we have now is a great man. I think one of the few who did understand and that is working to my benefit. We worked together on a job this summer for several days and had a lot of good conversation. My heart began to soften some more, in fact quite a bit. I began to feel his understanding and commitment to the gospel. It felt good to be around him. I finally realized that maybe he would understand my problem. I made an appointment and went to see him. I confessed my sins and we talked about them. Instead of the usual call to repentance, he told me how much he loved me and how impressed he was with me and my skills. He said he thought a lot about my family and what a sweet wife I had. He wanted me to put together some power scriptures and memorize them. Then, when I was discouraged, I could refer to them. He wanted me to read the book, The Worth of a Soul. He asked me to please not try to handle my sins on my own, but to call upon him for help whenever I needed to talk, even if it was in the middle of the night.
Magical things started to happen after that interview. I went home and read The Worth of a Soul in a week. The book seemed to be the answer to my prayer. I didn't want to continue on and commit adultery. I wanted to stop now! I knew I never wanted to be excommunicated from the church. Most important of all, I took what I learned from my bishop and what I learned from the book. I found a way out of my sins. It was there all along, I just didn't understand it. Someone had to lead me to it. My problems were more than I could handle by myself. I would have continued on to the next step and then the next, until I would have lost my way permanently. Life being the way it is, it is more than any of us can handle alone. But now I knew someone had cared enough to lead me to my answer. My answer was Jesus Christ. I had never learned to cast my burdens at his feet and really rely on the Lord. There it was! He was strong enough to handle my problems. He was strong enough to give me courage and strength.
One night as I lay in bed, I couldn't sleep. I was troubled with things. My many problems would one by one come to mind and trouble me. It came to me that if I prayed in my mind as I lay in bed, I could give one by one my sins to Christ. I took a box. In my first box I placed my porno habit. I put into it all the magazines I ever purchased, all the videos I ever watched, all the dirty shows I had ever seen. I placed all this in the box. I put the lid on it and labeled it my porno habit. I then called upon Jesus to come and take this box of sin from me. He immediately came. I then took my masturbation habit and put it in another box, labelled it and gave it to the Savior. I then took my marriage problems and placed them in another box. One by one, I boxed up the things I could not handle by myself and gave them to Christ. He took them from me. I felt so good inside. I felt like I was taking the first step in turning my life over to him, my Savior and Redeemer. I awoke the next morning and felt great. I now had a partner—someone who was strong, wise, and understood me enough to take away my sins.
A few days later, I think Satan began to realize he was losing with me. He had had me for so long. He started to beat me up with his onslaught of suggestions and flashbacks. I became discouraged and depressed. It was Friday night. I was moping around cleaning out the shop, when all of a sudden, my bishop appeared. I almost cried. I knew why he was there. He had listened to the spirit and had
come to my rescue. By myself Satan would just beat me up, but there was my bishop. I could lean on him and be administered to. We went to his office, my wife and me. He gave me a priesthood blessing. I can't remember what was spoken, but by the end Satan had left. My depression was gone. I felt good inside. I then blessed my wife. For the first time, I really became an instrument in the Lord's hands. I have never given anyone a blessing like that. It wasn't me. It was Christ telling my wife what she could do to help me. And how happy he was that she had never fallen in all those years when I had tried to get her to. He told her he loved her and comforted her. He did this through me, and it felt great. She was greatly blessed by me and by my priesthood. That hadn't happened for a long time. I think she started to realize that the Lord was now going to bless her for having stayed with me through so many hard times.
We started to talk. It was great! We talked about everything. Most importantly, we talked openly of my problems. Why I had started, why I couldn't stop. How I could now stop. We talked for hours. My heart was changing. I no longer had to do it by myself. I had the Savior to forgive me of my sins and felt a developing relationship with him. I had a bishop who cared and would continue to check up on me. I had a woman who loved me and also forgave me. I then began to see her for who she was, and how sweet and great a person she is. What a loss I would have suffered if I would have pushed her away for sins.
But then I became scared. A mighty change had occurred in my heart. I had made some great steps. But would or could it last? I started to doubt myself. What made me think I could do it this time, anyway? Satan was at work again. One night, I went to see my brother. We visited for a while. I told him of my struggles and how I held bad feelings for him. We visited in earnest for some time, and he helped me look inside myself and understand the root causes of my problem behavior. We tried to find out why I had my problem and what type of a hold Satan had on me. As we were finding these things out, he asked me to cast Satan out. To get rid of him, so I could be my true self. I couldn't do it. It surprised me, too! I just couldn't let them go. He told me all the reasons I should let go of Satan, and the spirits which were binding me down. I tried so hard to cast them out, but I couldn't. He begged me to exercise even a particle of faith and cast them out. He begged me to make the right choice, the one that was best for me. The one that would put me in control. So, I decided to do it. Once again, I didn't know if I could do it. I said, "I cast out these evil spirits in the name of Jesus Christ, that cause me to hang onto my habits, and I choose to do this." I almost got them out the first time I said this. I repeated it again, and they left. It felt good. I never realized a particle of faith could be so strong. I couldn't do it myself, but with my particle of faith, I was able to cast them out in the name of Jesus Christ.
Then we talked some more about my marriage, and how I had been the real problem all along. We talked about how I had rebelled against things. How I had pushed my wife. He told me to get rid of these feelings, to cast them out, to get rid of them, and I couldn't. I couldn't believe it would happen. I was trying to hang onto them also. He begged me to exercise my particle of faith again, to do it once more and get rid of these feelings caused by the unclean spirits. So, I said once again, "I exercise my particle of faith." I was tired of being the cause of my bad marriage. I was tired of rebelling, of not helping out around the house. I needed to do more with the kids. This was my choice; "I cast these evil spirits out that make me do these things, and I do this in the name of Jesus Christ." (He was finally resisting sufficiently to take his agency and choice back.)
The feelings of rebellion left. I had a great desire to help around the house. I was extremely exhausted. I know with important people on your side, you too can do it. You have probably come to realize you don't do it on your own. You can't. Exercise a particle of faith; even if you only have a particle of faith, and you can and will do it. You can be free of these binding influences, if you will choose the right, and rely on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
With his continuous help in ridding myself of the urges and feelings of the adversary, I am now controlling my life. I have come to the conclusion that I am tired of hurting the ones who love me the most. I desire to spend the rest of my life in making things right with my wife. Making up for lost time that we have wasted. To use the precious time the Lord has given us. I want to now help others and be of service. I know I have a long way to go. But now I have so much help. I know that Jesus Christ loves me. My bishop wants to help. My wife loves me and wants to help. I have a particle of faith. I pray this time, as the Lord works off my rough edges, that I will listen to him.’
He’s fortunate, in that he’s getting control before he compounds these sins any further. Let’s be willing to come to Christ and be renewed. Here are the stories of two wives of husbands who have had this type of problem. The first is the wife of the author of the above story. The second is of another wife who consented to share her experiences and feelings.
From his wife:
When asked to write down my feelings, I didn't think they were very important. But as I sat here thinking, I have come to understand they are. Tears of joy are running down my cheeks. For somehow, many years of prayers have been answered. My husband is a totally different person now. Every time we are together now, he keeps telling me how much he loves me. Our relationship has turned into the one I only thought about.
Before I was married, I received a special witness. I was told I would marry my husband. It was hard for a young seventeen-year-old girl to believe. But I knew it was true. After we were married, we moved away. In the next several months [and in] many years to come, I would see my sweetheart begin to change. I had always heard and believed it was to be special. Sex was something that was tender, special, and done because you loved each other.
Sex started to not be tender or special, after a while. It was more of a demand. He said he needed it. Soon, he would ask me to do things I felt wrong. I tried doing some to make him happy, but as soon as I gave in, the demands became something else. They would start becoming even a little dirtier each time. This cycle just seemed to go on. I did say no to things I just wouldn't allow.
Dreams, of course, shattered. Marriage isn't like you pictured as a child. I can't really describe the hurt. I hurt so bad; I couldn't talk to anyone either. Who do you talk to about sex when your mother hates your husband? I loved my husband. I knew we were supposed to be together. I had been told so, but why would Heavenly Father want me to be used and hurt?
Many times, after sex had taken place, he just rolled over to go to sleep. He hadn't even mentioned he loved me. It was more of a Wham bang, not even a thank-you. Several times, he even told me he didn't think he loved me anymore. There were many nights I just lay there and cried afterwards. This was what was special! After seven years of marriage, he told me about his problem. I didn't understand what it was about. Who wanted to do that to themselves? I did start to realize it wasn't all me. I had felt something was wrong with me. If you can't make your husband happy in bed, something has to be wrong with you. Right? Wrong! I can now see why I never enjoyed sex.
Many times, he would call me a goodie-two-shoes. I have never tried to be this. I have tried to make my life one that my parents and Heavenly Father would love. Every time he would tell me he had been doing the masturbation again, it did hurt. I would think he wanted to make love to them, the girls in the magazines, not me. Why couldn't he come to me? Why couldn't he love me? Love me for the person I am! That was the one that hurt. Love me for who I am!
As he has said, I finally had reached a point, I couldn't be hurt like this anymore. I did ask him to leave. At this point, we did go to see a marriage counselor. We have also seen several others, who have made turning the corner possible. We have seen a very special Bishop. One who knew what to do to help, also a special brother of his, one who was in tune with the spirit enough to give help. Things had come to the point, they had to change. If not, we had to divorce. There was no more reason to hurt each other. We were both hurting each other. The best thing is to quit the hurting. You hurt yourselves and your children when you don't realize it. Children love each parent and many times they are asked to choose between the two. They should never have to do that.
Many things have happened in our lives for the good. I realize I am normal. I can give love. He can also give that love now, too. We both want our marriage to survive. He is a good person with a lot to offer. We have some beautiful children together. They need us as a whole unit. And best of all, we have a lot to offer each other.
If there is anything, I could say to help someone, it would be to stay close to your values. Get help from someone who can help you. One who is trained in this area. Try to help the one you love. Forgive when necessary. He really can be your dream. But, most important, LOVE YOURSELF FOR WHO YOU REALLY ARE!!!
Could you feel the hurt of this wife as you read? Could you feel her joy in the fruits of repentance? It’s worth the price; any price! Are you willing to spend the time and exert the effort needed to improve your own life and help the ones you love?
One Saturday afternoon, just as I arrived home from a youth conference, a young man and his wife came to see me. His mother was a friend of mine and had suggested that they visit with me to see if I could assist them. He explained that he had been a drug addict for several years; in fact, an active user of cocaine and heroin. He had just been released from prison and wanted to quit and straighten out his life and be responsible for taking care of his wife and children. He had been through treatment programs four different times already, and after a time, had always given in to the drugs, as he put it.
I explained in detail my view that the drugs were the end result of giving into the promptings, urges, and enticements of evil spirits. He listened as I suggested how he could come to some understanding of how this had happened to him. By pondering and by inducing a state of mind where he could recall the circumstances of when he first decided to use drugs, he could go through a process that would allow him to reevaluate that decision and redecide, this time making a correct choice, utilizing hypnotherapy. He was willing to cooperate as he was at a low point in his life and was looking for answers because none of the former things had worked. In pondering, trance, or hypnosis, he went back in his mind and recalled being in a car at work with some associates. One of them pulled out a marijuana cigarette, lit it, and started passing it around. I asked him, as he remembered the details of this event, if he could hear two voices. He asked, "What do you mean?" I said, "Listen for one giving you thoughts and feelings that this is wrong, that you should get out of there and not be involved. Look for your real feelings in the situation." I then asked, "What are you seeing, hearing, or feeling?"
He replied, "Yes, I know it is wrong and all the feelings and voices as you mentioned are there." "What is it saying to you?" "It is saying, 'Remember who you are and what you have been taught and believe in.'" Then I asked," Is there another voice there?" He said, "Yes." "What is it saying, prompting, and urging?"
"It says, 'Go ahead, try it. You will like it! Don't be chicken! You want these people to like you, don't you?" I asked him, "What did you decide to do?" "I smoked the cigarette."
I then had him view how this decision had developed the present behavior patterns, including the constant feelings, the craving for drugs. I asked, "Can you feel it now?"
He said, "Yes, strongly."
I then directed him to identify the evil spirit whose presence he felt. He was unable to do so at first. With some assistance, he eventually called it "PLEASURE."
I asked, "In the decision to smoke that cigarette, did you take on this spirit which has had you seeking temporary pleasures and self-indulgences, blocking your perception of long-term happiness and joy? Is this the deception, the lie, the false belief you have bought into which has given the adversary power with you for so long?"
He broke down and started to cry as he could see clearly, for once, what had been happening to him. I taught him of the Savior and of repentance, re-decision, changing our minds and hearts, and turning to God. Upon questioning him as to whether he believed these things he said he did. I said, "Then cast this spirit of pleasure out! In the name of Jesus Christ, command it to depart."
He did so, expressing that the desires and cravings were immediately gone also. I explained to him that if he were to get in a position where he decided to take drugs again, that the spirit would have power to return again and further compound his urges and situation.
Later he did have more problems due to choosing the wrong friends, and he ended up re incarcerated, going through drug rehabilitation for the fifth time. He writes from prison: "I thought I'd write you a letter and say Thank You, for all you've done to try and help me... All I do all day is read the Bible. It is the first time in my life I've ever read it, and I love it. I honestly think I've found a new life in it. I read John and it was the most touching, neatest thing I've ever read. I got a high like I've never had before from reading it. I'm turning my life over to God. I love him. I know he has been with me all along. Today I was reading Mark 1:25-27 and it talked about Jesus casting out evil spirits... 'And Jesus rebuked him, saying, hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. And, they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, ‘What thing is this? What new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.' I wished I'd only known two years ago what I know now. I hope I can talk to you again soon. I have so much I would like to say. Thank you so much for everything." I visited with this young man at the prison many times until he knew what to do to keep himself free. I believe this time this young man will make it. He alone is responsible for his choices, but at least now he is aware of the true enemy. It is pretty hard to win a fight when you don't even understand who or what it is you are up against. That is the way Satan wants it. It is called, Lies, Trickery, and Deceptions.
Lead others to Christ and assist them through your faith, love, and prayers. There is hope for anyone who wants to change and be free from these things, but to do it, they must come to a full understanding and acceptance of these truths. In the words of the Savior: ‘And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’ (New Testament | John 8:32) The prophet Nephi had this vision of our day:
19 For the kingdom of the devil must shake, and they which belong to it must needs be stirred up unto repentance, or the devil will grasp them with
his everlasting chains, and they be stirred up to anger, and perish; 20 For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men and stir them up to anger against that which is good. 21 And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: all is well in Zion; yea Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. 22 And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance. (Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 28:19-22)
24 keep all the commandments and covenants by which ye are bound; and I will cause the heavens to shake for your good, and Satan shall tremble and Zion shall rejoice on the hills and flourish;… (D&C 35:24)