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Our PMMCC HYPNO-BOOSTERS are designed to not only help you SUPER BOOST the Positive Results you want to achieve but also LOCK THEM IN!

The Crush the Habit, stop smoking program takes you on “visualization” journey to being a permanent non-smoker.

It contains many “Therapeutic Prompts” to assist you in understanding yourself and make those permanent decisions to consistently improve your health in many ways, especially being a permanent non-smoker. The Self Esteem CD is foundational to this program as well, to build and enhance one’s personal image of one's self being a non-smoker. You should rotate the CD's each night, leaving them on repeat as you sleep.

This program will assist you to decide, to decide to be a permanent nonsmoker. Often, one of the reasons people hesitate to quit smoking is because they have a concern of gaining weight once they quit. If this is a concern for you, then also include the Weight Management Cd in your listening program.

This Hypnotic Track / CD Download is simply THE BEST INVESTMENT for anyone looking to STOP SMOKING ONCE & FOR ALL! 


📥 + ( 1 ) Crush the Habit - Stop Smoking - 
CD Download By W. Dennis Parker

  • This CD is like having a FREE PMMCC Hypnotherapy Session Every Night!
  • There are thousands of people listening to this CD & Feeling Better!!
  • Everyone BENEFITS from the Positive Effects of this CD!!!

PLEASE NOTE: This downloadable version of one of Dennis' Most Popular CD Series is FULLY THERAPUTIC & will greatly assist you in making the lasting, positive changes you want & you can start using them NOW!

We suggest you play this on repeat at night while you sleep, as you will receive the desired suggestions at the different trance levels, as you go down into & come up out of sleep - simply sleeping your way to better health, happiness & improved habits & behavior control.

However, it is also important that you routinely listen when your awake so you can follow the “Therapeutic Prompts” set up to assist you in making the appropriate decisions & choices that will ENSURE your permanent new lifestyle changes. We suggest that you set your alarm an hour early, & continue to rest as you intentionally listen to the CD Download consciously, at least once each day for best results. 

Lastly, if possible, it is ideal to also purchase & use on daily rotation the other 2 in the White Series - the Enhanced Self Esteem & Personal Improvement CD Download +  Health & Weight Management CD Download.

Purchase This Powerful, Life Changing Audio Download Here For Only $35.00

Crush the Habit - Stop Smoking CD by W. Dennis Parker



    Online or In-Person

    So to re-cap, you can get started with us by first booking a FREE Online Client Consult, or by purchasing single Sessions, Packs or Bundle Packs. These PMMCC Hypno-Sessions can be completed either In-Person at our office in Providence UT, or Online via Skype or Zooms.


    If your traveling in from out of state, PMMS Offices are conveniently located just 35 minutes from the Ogden Airport & just 75 minutes from SLC International Airport. ​Plus we have MANY amazing Hotels & Restaurants that are all within a 20 minute drive - making In-Person Appointments Extremely EASY & CONVENIENT.

     Hours: Weekdays 8am - 6pm


    Direct: (435-314-8582)

    157 W 100 N suite 202, Providence, UT 84332

    Enjoying Nature

    Everyone has to figure out

    how to manage their own mind

    from the inside out - 

    Unlock the POWER of your Personal & Professional Potential through PMMCC Hypnotherapy NOW.

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