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Spiritual Mind Management - W. Dennis Parker


Doctors, dentists, nurses, research scientists, and others who need to assist patients to relax and control their pain.

School psychologists, counselors, teachers, coaches, and administrators, who want to understand behavioral modification from a subconscious contributing factor of the amplified imaginations of the child or student. They learn to help children and older students understand and control their overactive imaginations, which allows them to concentrate and focus on the lessons being taught in the current moment of time. This training naturally reduces hyperactivity and enhances classroom control.

Correctional officers, executives, sales managers, supervisors, who want to have skills to be change agents in their organizations, understanding and knowing how behaviors are created and made, and how to effectively change them. They learn to manage differently, more effectively.

Parents and grandparents, clergy, youth leaders, who want the skills to assist their family, parishioners, youth and young adults, with new and innovative positive mental skills that give them personal control, increased self-confidence and enhanced self-esteem, teaching them these new mental skills that will be the coping skill of tomorrows leaders.

Spiritual Mind Management is for you who have known in your heart that there is more to you than you have yet discovered and achieved. You know you are meant to accomplish great things, and that there is real purpose in your life, but you are being held back from within and not moving forward as you would like. You will come to understand that you have more abilities, capacities, and coping mechanisms, to deal with the stresses and trials of this life than ever before known or imagined!

You will learn how to use our human natural abilities and personal gift of our spiritual mind to immediately improve your self-confidence and esteem, work through your personal problems, overcome self-limiting beliefs and self-defeating behaviors, eliminate inappropriate habits, and conquer maladaptive behaviors! These 'Spiritual Mind Management" processes and techniques are the ultimate impulse control giving personal self-control! People are using these methods to walk away from habits of over-eating, smoking, pornography, electronic games, and other time and life wasting behaviors.

These processes are being applied to enhance various behavior modifications necessary for excellence in performance, such as sports, sales, public speaking, demonstrating, music, art, writing, and so forth. The information on how to adjust and manage our imaginations and emotions, and come fully conscious at will, is invaluable!

These processes are taught Exclusively in person or online to students and clients of “Certified Hypnotherapy Training School” a Postsecondary Proprietary School of Hypnotherapy in the State of Utah, registered and bonded with the Department of Commerce. The School trains individuals in hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and our Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapy Trainings & Protocols of Positive Mind Management  which incorporates  Spiritual Mind Management teachings. 

In the end graduates become Certified through the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners & Positive Mind Management Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Practitioners.

"I have been testing the effects of clinical hypnotherapy for several years with Dennis.

The brain changes and becomes more coherent, synchronous and clear. The role of the subconscious in sport is tremendous. Having tested and worked with the conscious mind for 30 years, I am grateful to have these techniques (Spiritual Mind Management) to work with the subconscious mind and unite the conscious and subconscious minds!"
Dr. Debbie Crews

Spiritual Mind Management - W. Dennis Parker



    Online or In-Person

    So to re-cap, you can get started with us by first booking a FREE Online Client Consult, or by purchasing single Sessions, Packs or Bundle Packs. These PMMCC Hypno-Sessions can be completed either In-Person at our office in Providence UT, or Online via Skype or Zooms.


    If your traveling in from out of state, PMMS Offices are conveniently located just 35 minutes from the Ogden Airport & just 75 minutes from SLC International Airport. ​Plus we have MANY amazing Hotels & Restaurants that are all within a 20 minute drive - making In-Person Appointments Extremely EASY & CONVENIENT.

     Hours: Weekdays 8am - 6pm


    Direct: (435-314-8582)

    157 W 100 N suite 202, Providence, UT 84332

    Enjoying Nature

    Everyone has to figure out

    how to manage their own mind

    from the inside out - 

    Unlock the POWER of your Personal & Professional Potential through PMMCC Hypnotherapy NOW.

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